Tuesday, July 25, 2023

"Why parents of trans kids just can't move on"


In an interview with Peter Boghossian, journalist Helen Joyce discussed why parents of trans children just can't let go of the subject, and why they keep harping on about it.  The transcript below is courtesy of John Kass.

“Something you may not have thought of is that there are a lot of people who can’t move on from this. And that’s the people who have transitioned their own children. So those people are going to be like the Japanese soldiers who were on Pacific islands and didn’t know the war was over. They’ve got to fight forever. This is another reason why this is the worst, worst, worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced.

“A lot of people have done what is the worst thing you could do, which is to harm their children irrevocably, because of it. Those people will have to believe that they did the right thing for the rest of their lives, for their own sanity, and for their own self-respect. So they’ll still be fighting, and each one of those people destroys entire organizations and entire friendship groups.

“Like, I’ve lost count of the number of times that somebody has said to me of a specific organization that has been turned upside down on this, “Oh, the deputy director has a trans child.” Or, oh, the journalist on that paper who does special investigations has a trans child. Or whatever. The entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person. And it may not even be widely known at that organization that they have a trans child. But it will come out, people will have sort of said quietly, and now you can’t talk truth in front of that person, and you know you can’t, because what you’re saying is: “You as a parent have done a truly, like, a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child that can not be fixed.

“There are specific individuals who are actively against women’s rights here and it is not known why they are, but I happen to know through the back channels that it is because they’ve transed their child.

“So those people will do anything for the entire rest of their lives to destroy me and people like me because people like me are standing in reproach to them. I don’t want to be, I’m not talking directly to them, and I don’t spend my time bitching to them.

“But the fact is that just simply by saying we will never accept natural males in women’s spaces, well it is their son that we’re talking about. And they’ve told their son that he can get himself sterilized and destroy his own basic sexual function and women will accept him as a woman. And if we don’t, there’s no way back for them and that child.

“They’ve sold their child a bill of goods that they can’t deliver on.

“And I’m the one that has to be bullied to try to force me to deliver on it.

“So those people are going to be the people who will keep this bloody movement going, I’m sorry to say, because they’ve everything to lose, and it is a fight to the death as far as they are concerned.”

There's more at John Kass' article.

Tragically, that makes an awful lot of sense to me . . .



Rick T said...

A couple at work have a trans'd son at college. My only comment is the boy went from the bottom of the DEI ladder (male Jew) to near the top (Trans female) by making the claim.

I hope the boy doesn't do anything permanent to his body before he gets out of college and recovers his sanity.

Jason said...

That'a why a just society would put those who transed their kids to death so the rest of us can move on.

Tree Mike said...

The Evil Phuquers Inc.(CEO: SATAN) are veeeeerrrrrryyy old and veeeeerrrrryyy smart. They REALLY do play 33rd degree dimensional chess. They are very good at predicting trends, not so good at predicting small groups and individuals. That's what I think is going to monkey wrench his operation. For those that want to shift responsibility off to the Lord with "The Lord willing...", I say we are the Lords workers, He gave us great power and intelligence to battle Satan's minions. We JUST need to maintain the warrior's attitude. YMMV

Anonymous said...


If you genuinely believe that being a Male Jew puts you at the bottom of the DEI ladder, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested. Only lightly used. Comes with Tefilim and a complementary AIPAC bumper sticker. I can arrange finance at competitive rates, too. Anorexics need not apply.

Being Ashkenazi does put one at much risk of higher mutational load and greater risk of mental(*) as well as physical illnesses. That's a real world factual ladder. Not a fairyland one.

* Ties in nicely with the notion that whenever there is some new kind of perversity you'll generally find elements of the Chosen in the Vanguard -- be it Bolshevism or Trannydom.

You *have* heard of Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, I hope. Or are you one of those types who don't know that the famous Nazi book burning photo was said institute's library of degeneracy going up in flames and not Goethe and Schiller?

So poor effed up kid is not some poor downtrodden Jew clutching at a Portuguese transit visa... more just another one living the life, expressing the genotype... stirring the pot.

Simply the facts.

Old NFO said...

Saw this link this morning, sadly I agree.

Jess said...

It speaks much about the integrity of anyone supporting, allowing, and advocating mutilating children for a societal experiment. They are mentally deranged, and a less polite society would place them in an institution with professionals that can help them with their illness. They're dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to continue their actions.

JustPeachy said...

I don't think it'll be big enough to take care of the phenomenon you're talking about... but I expect a sharp uptick in Gypsy Rose Blanchard type cases in the coming years.

ICYMI: Gypsy Rose murdered her mother after years of Munchausen-by-proxy abuse. She's in prison now... but I expect that's still a step up from life with her mom.

Anonymous said...


JoshO said...

Anyone who would do or support doing that kind of thing to kids should be killed or permanently institutionalized.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

JoshO: Completely agree with you!!