Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Your tax dollars at work - migrant invasion edition


Here's a 14-minute video from Turning Point USA about how "migrants" (A.K.A. illegal alien invaders) are handled in New York City.

I'm an immigrant myself.  I came to this country on my own dime, struggled through years of earning my own living and dealing with the bureaucracy to get my green card, then in due course my citizenship, and paid rather more than a few thousand dollars for the privilege.  I don't regret any of it.  I'm grateful and proud to be a US citizen.

However . . . to see this video, and realize that I'd have saved thousands and been much better off in material terms if I'd just walked across the southern border without so much as a "By your leave" . . . that makes me see red.  I'm sure other legal immigrants will agree with me.  We not only didn't receive a cent of taxpayers' money to help us, we had to demonstrate that we could support ourselves and pay for everything we needed, for years on end, before the powers that be decided we were worth a permanent residence permit, let alone citizenship.

So much for politically correct "equity"!



Peteforester said...

My wife came to this country when she was five years old. Her dad had to have a sponsor to speak for his integrity. Her dad had to prove that he would not end up on welfare for a minimum of two years. He went through the wringer to get his family into the country. My wife goes BALLISTIC when she sees what's happening now! These people breach our border knowing one word of English: "ASYLUM!" At that point they're free to go their merry ways. The next time these people will be seen officially is when MASS AMNESTY is declared. ...It won't be long now... My money is on "prior to the 2024 "election...."

Old NFO said...

It's ONLY politically correct when you vote the 'right' way for them...

glasslass said...

While on a contract I worked with a woman who had won her country's lottery for X number of people per year who would be allowed to immigrate. Very, very small country. She was only allowed her and 1 person. No children so hubby was her plus 1. Both had jobs, bought a house and were planning the next year to have a child. She was ecstatic to win and loved this country. Not what it could do for her but for the opportunities they would have. She would have never been able to own a home in her country. The NY shop keeper is like everyone in we wish they would go somewhere else. But where? Your town or mine? No thanks would be our answer. All sanctuary cities now have to live with their votes.

boron said...

Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
or not.
we are currently living in a (former) republic under a government which is actively acting against the best interests of its citizens.

Barbarus said...

Then (at least if it's like my side of the pond) there are those statistics saying that "immigrants" are harder working etc., therefore open borders are a good thing.

All "well informed" voters know this.

Anonymous said...

They “enrich” our country don’tchaknow. They work harder, commit less crime and are just better people than us lowly citizens.
Why they couldn’t enrich their own country is one of the universes biggest mysteries.

Aesop said...

Cue legal immigrant activists agitating for "reparations" to resolve this injustice, in 3,2,...

Your story, Peter, is exactly why, when polled, legal immigrants and naturalized citizens oppose anything like "amnesty" by 9:1.

Everybody hates line-cutters and cheats.

Gerry said...

Sorry Peter, it would not worked for you.
You came from the wrong country at the wrong time.

Mind your own business said...

This is peanuts compared to what our federal government just did ...paying off over $3 billion of Ukraine's sovereign debt. Which just happens to be held mostly by Blackrock.

Rob said...

Times have changed, back when you came to this country if you'd walked in & been caught (rather than do it the legal way) I'll bet things would have gone different for you...

Someone/something has a new direction for our society and they control the means to get things the way they want. "They" don't care if you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Because their own country was a grungefest that wouldn't let them?

As a side note, by the way, oftentimes legal immigrants do, on average, have more desirable traits than the native-born, because you can pick and choose your immigrants but you can't do that with your citizenry.

Anonymous said...

In the 1980s I was spittin mad when the U.S. forgave $5 Billion of debt of Brazil.