Friday, July 21, 2023

About that US serviceman who "defected" to North Korea...


... seems like we're well rid of him.  A tip o' the hat to Big Country Expat for the link to this Korean news report.

Legal sources here said Thursday that King, 23, received a 5 million-won ($3,955) fine from a court in Seoul on Feb. 8 on charges of inflicting damage on a police patrol vehicle.

King, however, did not pay the fine and was eventually detained in a prison workshop for 48 days in line with a court ruling that he be held for one day for each unpaid 100,000 won, the sources said.

He was accused of repeatedly kicking the back door of a police patrol vehicle in Seoul's Mapo district in the wee hours of Oct. 8 and inflicting damage that required 584,000-won worth of repairs.

King was apprehended by police at that time for suspected violence at a nightclub. He reportedly did not cooperate with police officers demanding his personal information and kicked the door of the police car while shouting foul language against Koreans and the Korean military, according to police investigations.

King was detained from May 24 to July 10 in a penitentiary in Cheonan, 85 kilometers south of Seoul, before being released and relocated to an American military base in South Korea for a weeklong stay. He was reportedly found to have fled Incheon International Airport on Monday afternoon while in the process of boarding a flight to Dallas.

There's more at the link.

Interestingly, the US armed forces did not seek to have him do his time in a military jail, but were content to leave him in a Korean prison for the duration.  It's also reported that he was on his way back to the USA to serve another couple of months in military prison here, followed by a dishonorable discharge for bad conduct.

I suspect North Korea is about to find out (and may already have done so) that they made a very bad bargain when they let him in.  I suggest that, if they offer to return him, we should refuse.  We have enough problem children to deal with already.



Jess said...

He's hoping there will be an outcry for his release from the crowd that glorified George Floyd. Time will tell, but my guess his political capital is not what he thinks it is, and he'll find he'd prefer a U.S. military prison.

Anonymous said...

Wait until he does not get something he wants from the Norks and uses a racial slur on them. That ghetto act only works in America, and not for much longer.

MNW said...

I've been to Asia.

I am 100% sure he will have an apprication of how non racist the US really is.

mostly cajun said...

Over the years there have been several defectors to North Korea.

None of them has been a great loss to us, other than their families, and none has been an asset of any sort to North Korea.

tkdkerry said...

I doubt very much that the N Koreans will be greatly bothered by this jerk. If he's a problem for them they'll just deal with it and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that FJB will trade some dangerous N. Korean spy to get that worthless ass back into the U.S.

Aesop said...

Why did I even bother to click the link instead of just guessing the race cold?

Beans said...

He was also probably hoping for the same outrage that finally got Otto Warmbier released.

But I doubt he'll be alive within 6 months. He's an ass, an abuser, a serial dumbutt and a criminal who can't keep his mouth shut or his fists to himself. First time he smartmouths off to a guard he'll be sporting significantly less teeth. First time he lays his hands on a guard or other protected Nork person, he'll be sporting fresh bullet holes.

Mind your own business said...

I suspect the Norks won't put up with his BS very long. He'll end up in a shallow grave with a bullet to the back of his head.

KurtP said...

The military wasn't put out at all for him being in a S. Korean prison.
They just added all that time as AWOL/UA to his charge sheet.