Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A very close call...


This video clip, showing hunters in Africa tracking down a wounded lion, is remarkable for illustrating just how fast you can die when the proverbial brown substance hits the rotary air impeller.  As the lion charges, watch its face closely.  It's hit a couple of times, but none of them strike anything vital, and the lion just gets madder and madder.  As it makes its final leap onto its target, the hunter goes down ahead of the charge and fires a single round from the hip, unaimed (although doubtless guided by years of experience).  You can see the exact moment when that final round takes out the lion's central nervous system, and the life leaves its face as if suddenly extinguished.  It's dead right there, but still continues its final leap onto and past the hunter it selected as its target.  It was a classic kill-it-or-die moment, one the hunter was extremely fortunate to survive.  've never been that close to an animal killing me, and I hope I never am.  That was waaaaaayyy too close for comfort!

I don't know why YouTube has chosen to restrict this video on the grounds of age, but they did.  Just click on the link provided to watch it on that channel.



Michael said...

Dramatic, but given the number of violent home invasions fueled by Meth and worse a similar scenario is being played out here in America.

SS Shock Troops were meth'ed up for combat, so goes the story even with Vietnam and American soldiers.

Plan your home invasion defense accordingly.

Grahams Killhouse Rules apply in 2024. (Peter, you did a nice write up a few years ago? Maybe refresh that?).

Dan said...

Humans tend to forget we are not actually at the top on the food chain. Our technology is. Without it we are simply lunch.

Unknown said...

I remember hearing somewhere that "man is unique among all animals in that we have learned to kill from a distance".
May not be at the top of the food chain when alone and unarmed, but even armed with a spear and sufficient numbers, we've been able to take down the largest of beasts for thousands of years!

Anonymous said...

The Wayne LaPierre (NRA) elephant hunt vid first came across my feed today... Couldn't be a more stark contrast to this one.... He failed to kill the downed animal with 3 shots at point blank range -- no wonder it never made it onto NRA TV as apparently intended!

riverrider said...

maybe weird, but all i could think was "poor lion."

Anonymous said...

Sorry, gulag wants you to 'sign in' to view.
Thanks for trying to share it, though.

Will said...

u-tube restricted it for two reasons, I suspect.
One, they don't like the idea of hunting.
Two, most of the comments are by idiots that didn't actually listen to the narration, or read anything, or have the least idea of the factors of animal management by hunting.
The lions they were hunting were killing humans.

Most of them are totally clueless that it is hunting fees that enable most of the African countries to bother to keep ANY wild animals alive. Most of their populations would just as soon kill them all off, as too many of them are life threats, or farm/business expenses.