Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Learning from the opposition


Sarah Hoyt has written an excellent four-part series of articles titled "Before The Crash".  She's responding to an article written from a left-wing progressive perspective, and looking at how we can prepare for the difficult years ahead on the basis of its fears - but from a conservative, independent perspective.  She also concentrates on our approach to the situation as a like-minded community, rather than as individuals.  She introduces the series as follows:

But that’s not what I’m talking about. Not personal preparation, but society/group preparation.

Let’s assume the crash is inevitable. We don’t know how much it will hurt or what will be destroyed. We don’t know if society will be totaled (unlikely, truly) or just severely damaged. But we do know that there’s a crash coming, and that society as we know it won’t be the same after.

Now, I argue the crash is the crash of the bs FDR instituted to the American model. I think it’s not able to withstand the decentralization of information and production, and it’s been coming to pieces for 40 years, and is now inevitably crashing. Of course, it brings in its wake a lot of other effects, in this case the fact that the people who long-marched through the institutions refuse to be banished like the pantomime devils they are by voting or other strong incantations. Instead, they see the peril they’re in, and are determined to hold on to power to all extremities because they know what they’d do to us if they could, and they’re afraid we’ll do likewise to them. (To be fair, we wouldn’t have if they went away quietly. The more they try to hold on, the worse it will be.)

What this means in practical terms is that there is no way this year ends well. Or at least no way it ends without significant upheaval, meaning the next year will be major upheaval throughout. (So to an extent, enjoy while you can.)

Because if they fraud their way to Victory, they’re going to think it’s the reign of a thousand years (they always do) and get nasty. And if we beat the fraud, they’re going to panic and try to do onto us before we do onto them.

Now I think the damage in either case will be small and controlled RELATIVELY. Some places. Short time. I know this is no comfort. I also think we’ll win.

But what comes out on the other end is a good question.

There's more at the link.

The four parts of her article may be found at these links:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Highly recommended reading, and food for thought.



Anonymous said...

I have come to the same conclusion, the inevitable part. Dunno what it's going to look like, how it's going to go, or what's on the other side. Speculating about it is just that, speculating (or one of my favorite terms - mental masturbation!)
History can be a guide, this stuff's happened in the past.
For certain there will be violence. How greatly each of us is affected is unknown.
One thing everyone can do is stockpile food while it is cheap and plentiful. Even if you don't need it personally, there will be people who could benefit in the future. Food is always used as a weapon.
Financially speaking you want to be diversified OUT of US Dollars. The currency WILL be devalued, we're too deep in debt. Whether it goes to zero I dunno... but the king dollar is dead.

Anonymous said...

I like Sarah and she is a good person who writes well for our side, but I think she is far too optimistic. These situations throughout history have almost always ended in tyranny and oppression and I see no reason it won't end the same way now. I heart hopes she is right, but my brain says she isn't.

Steve said...

Hate to pile on with the doomsday gestalt, BUT.....
I haven't even read the articles but, in my daily education (right wing radio hosts/web presenters), I have come to the conclusion that "it's" going to be bad.
A couple of "from my bones" thoughts: the rest of society has NO clue as to what is going to happen.
The rest of society ONCE they realize; will be one meal away from storming your larder.
Even my own family doesn't realize; so I'm just going to have to quietly go about preparing.

Bob said...

Trying to anticipate what's going to happen has become far more difficult since millions of single young men of military age have been helped to illegally enter our country and are supported by American tax dollars after they arrive. Young men who have no respect for American citizens or American values, with no loyalty to us or to our country in any way, many of them from countries that hate us and everything we stand for. The potential for massive mayhem is real.

What is the plan for these millions of illegal invaders? These millions of young men of military age? There has to be a reason they have been sent here.

I feel we will find out soon... very soon.

Anonymous said...

Prepare for shortages.
Most people focus on food, maybe medical or automotive supplies.
Don't forget to consider electric and natural gas. We are already seeing more and more disruptions to them.
I suggest considering propane and wood for cooking and heat, and a small solar system and a generator for electric. Of course, all of these precautions should be taken discreetly to avoid unwanted attention.

Dan said...

What cannot continue will not. And the debt is so massive that it's impossible to repay. A collapse of some sort is inevitable. But you would be amazed at how long the criminals in power can keep the house of cards standing while they loot the treasury. They aren't through sucking us dry yet. When there's no more wealth available to loot then things will collapse. And it will be far uglier than the Great Depression. Our society is much less cohesive and far more divided. Government is vastly larger and infested with millions more bureaucrats intent on nothing but their own petty fiefdoms. And we have tens of millions of parasitic invaders who are protected by the criminal our expense. Nobody can say for sure exact what's coming. But I guarantee it's going to be ugly. Very very ugly.

lynn said...

Sarah is not wrong. A crash is coming, I just cannot figure out how bad it will be. If it is like the crash in the Mandibles book, Oh Lordy that is going to be nasty.

Aesop said...

Some wicked sharp prose, and a lot of rah-rah.

Damned little in the way of preparation for what's coming. Not even as considered opposition to TPTB.

She's preaching to the Normies more than anything, who are still four years (or more) behind the Reality curve.

NTTAWWT, but it isn't any more than that.

More's the pity.