Thursday, January 25, 2024

It's the Boston Tea Party in reverse!


I had to laugh at the brouhaha in Britain over an American professor's recommendations for brewing tea.

The British claim to know a thing or two when it comes to making a good cup of tea.

The beverage is a cultural institution in the UK, where an estimated 100 million cups are drunk every day.

But now a scientist based more than 3,000 miles away in the US claims to have found the secret to a perfect cuppa that many Brits would initially find absolutely absurd - adding salt.

Prof Michelle Francl's research has caused quite the stir in the UK, and has even drawn a diplomatic intervention from the US Embassy.

There's more at the link.

In response to the furore, the US Embassy in London put out this statement.  Click the image for a larger view.

However, the British Cabinet Office (nose firmly in air, and doubtless clutching their teacups in horror) disagreed.

In response, to the statement put out by the US Embassy in the UK: 

We appreciate our Special Relationship, however, we must disagree wholeheartedly...

Tea can only be made using a kettle.

I'm informed there's no truth to the rumor that outraged British tea-lovers are planning to empty the tanks of Coca-Cola plants throughout England into the North Sea . . . even though it might improve the flavor of their fish and chips!



Douglas2 said...

Use of the microwave for tea-water is silly in the UK context, as they have 240v 13A power sockets everywhere -- a 3 kilowatt electric kettle is going to be much faster and more convenient than a microwave, and have better temperature consistency across the volume of water. 3KW electric kettles are everywhere, every office and home has one. The last one I bought was £7

Old NFO said...

LOL, it's the 'little' things...

Aesop said...

As true Sons Of Liberty, Bostonian "natives" of old knew, the only proper way to brew English tea is by the seawater.

Anonymous said...

A true missed opportunity. Surely they could have simply said that tea is best enjoyed in "Boston Fashion", using saltwater.


Anonymous said...

The US statement was missing "...then chilled and served with copious quantities of sugar and no milk."
The UK Foreign Office statement should have referenced 240V power as Doug points out.

Billll said...

Who knows? Maybe it is better, but probably only for some. Boredom is a major factor in the creative process, and produces lots of clever ideas. Bored farmers, bored engineers, bored doctors, the list is endless. Just think of some of the unlikely entertainment, and occasionally useful things that have come from this.

Tree Mike said...

" microwaving it." How so totally American! That's just funny right thar!
Hooda thunk, there's still someone in the embassy with a sense of humor?

Robert said...

"by microwaving it"
I laughed so hard I hurt myself. Beautiful!