Thursday, January 18, 2024

And who, precisely, thought this was a good idea?


As if we don't have enough to worry about, we learn:

In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to “humanized” mice.

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The deadly virus is a mutated version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 — three years before the pandemic. Pangolins, also called scaly anteaters, are mammals found in warm areas of the planet.

All the mice that were infected with the virus died within just eight days, which researchers noted was a “surprisingly” rapid death rate.

. . .

Although terrifying, the study is the first of its kind to report a 100% mortality rate in mice infected by the COVID-19-related virus — far surpassing previously reported results from another study, the researchers wrote.

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Francois Balloux, an epidemiology expert at University College London’s Genetics Institute, slammed the research as “terrible” and “scientifically totally pointless.”

“I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanized mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how much stuff might go wrong,” the professor wrote on X.

There's more at the link.

I can see three possibilities here:

  1. Researchers thought it would be a good idea for whatever reason, and went ahead and did it without even thinking about asking permission, ethical questions, etc.
  2. This research was actually authorized, for some unknown reason, and the news of its "success" was released so as to reflect credit on those who authorized it.
  3. This is intended to scare people, and establish China in the world's eyes as the foremost developer of biological weapons.
If you can see any other reason for doing this, let us know in Comments.

All I can say is, unless there's a solid medical reason for doing such research, it should never be conducted at all.  In this case, I can't see any such reason.  Taking a pangolin virus, that can't affect humans, and adapting it to mice (and, through them, humans), seems utterly illogical on the face of it.  What possible purpose could this serve?  And why try to synthesize what appears to be a more concentrated, more lethal COVID-19 virus when we've already got enough problems with the first one?

Conspiracy theorists have been claiming for years that COVID-19 was actually a plan to reduce the human race's numbers by billions of people for environmental and other reasons.  This sort of "research" can do nothing to comfort them - in fact, it'll make them even more paranoid than they already are.




Jay Dee said...

This nonsense will go on until a couple bureaucrats & scientists are tried in the world court then hanged for crimes against humanity.

Uncle Lar said...

The phrase "nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" comes to mind.

BobF said...

Major conspiracy theory here:
China's repopulation figures are continuing downward (fact).
1. Develop a lethal virus. Not one that makes people sick, no, a lethal one.
2. Develop a vaccine for it. Give the vaccine to all of our people and at least some of our allies.
3. Release the virus to all others.

Anonymous said...

look up 'Plum Island' sometime. I'm amazed we haven't had a bad critter get loose for years.

Anonymous said...

Funded by the United States taxpayer.
Think on that one.
Here’s another to ruminate upon, is this how they will “stop the ‘24 election”.
I don’t have answers, just more uncomfortable questions.

TMF Bert

SiGraybeard said...

I think the old, cold war way of thinking about this was, "if you think your enemy would do it, see if you can find a way to defend against it." Since China considers us their enemy and they know we paid them, the Ukrainians and who knows how many others to do this sort of research, maybe in their minds this is defensive research.

Do you trust how well they implement level IV bio-safety protocols? Not a chance.

MNW said...

I second hanging.

Xoph said...

"it'll make them even more paranoid than they already are."

It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. Defensive driving is being paranoid about other drivers inattention or bad decisions, not assuming their actual intent.

The amount of evil in this is astounding. Either it is being done with evil intent to use such a virus or evil levels of immorality/stupidity for taking the risk. Paranoia is appropriate in this case.

1chota said...

as ole Hank Williams said in his song: "no matter how you struggle and strive, you ain't getting out of this world alive."

Anonymous said...

In The Scorpion and the Frog, the frog is voters and the scorpion is government. Most humans are liberals, and cannot see that their instinctive monkey-troop social organization produces genocide when you grow the group size by a factor of millions. The purpose of government is genocide. China's government holds the world records for genocide in the 20th century, and this is their next attempt.

Anonymous said...

When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, [governments] with terror and slaughter return!

Anonymous said...

Covid 19 was lab created. The paper trail is incontrovertible.

Anonymous said...

"If you can see any other reason for doing this, let us know in Comments."

S**ts and giggles?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the movie, Toy Story, the evil minded brat 'reassemblies' his toys to create frankensteins.

I imagine evil scientists rubbing their hands in dastardly anticipation when the gene sequence was cracked.
And now here we are.

I highly doubt the Chinese are doing this on their own. Lab in China because that research is prohibited in the U.S. But who actually thinks American tax monies are no longer funding Wuhan?

coyoteken48 said...

Being realistic isn't being paranoid. ---ken

lynn said...

"The phrase "nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" comes to mind."

I think that was Jerry Pournelle's favorite phrase.

Anonymous said...

Tom Clancy Woody

Dan said...

The Chinese Communist Party is evil. No other way to describe them. And they are performing this research for purely academic reasons. They have a plan for these pathogens. It's why the internet meme "China is asshoe" exists.

lynn said...

Heard on radio today, "I would not trust Anthony Fauci to take care of my goldfish !".

Stretch said...

As an Ultimate Weapon the threat of its release will provide Slo Joe the reason for unconditional surrender to the ChiComs.

Yeah, I'm a cynic.