Thursday, January 18, 2024



Found on MeWe, and too funny not to share.  Clickit to biggit.

"The good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise", as the saying goes, our weekly Memes That Made Me Laugh feature post will be back next Monday.



Paul Chappell said...

Well, I know I regularly "re-routed" to hit Air Force chow halls when we could while I was in... The food was SO much better than the Army "stuff" and they usually had 24 hour chaow lines due to the nature of what they were dealing with... A few more folks in unmarked CVC gear were never really noted, key was to just look like you knew what you were doing and that you belonged there, so no one questioned the random NCOs...

tsquared said...

I was in a different Air Force.

jimmymcnulty said...

The Air Force, when you kind of want to be in the military.

Rich said...

There was a cartoon going around when the Canadian Forces were thinking of going to a four-day work week a few years ago.
1st panel: two army guys in a foxhole in the rain and they're saying what's a 4-day work going to do for us when we deployed out here all the time.
2nd panel: Navy ship out on the Briny and the little voice bubble saying "what's the 4-day work week going to for do us when we're out here at sea 24/7"
3rd panel: Two Air Force pilots sitting at the bar drinking a beer saying "What's this I hear about us having to work overtime."

Anonymous said...

Me too tsquared
I was way out in the boondocks at a Royal Thai naval air station and the food sucked. I simply couldn’t get my head around kimschi and eggs

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait wait. Canada has an army?

Old NFO said...

True dat...

Landon said...

All of the pilots in my debrief tonight have confirmed that this is accurate.

Chip Anderson said...

We were the security force for a NATO exercise in Denmark and stayed at a hotel in a nearby town. The marines were bivoaced on the airbase. The marine LT asked our Major what his biggest complaint was and the Major responded, "Slow room service."

Anonymous said...

"The good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise"

Not to be the word police here but... the phrase has nothing to with 'crick' (waterway). The real thing was about "Creeks don't rise" - as in the Indian tribe that lived in Alabama & Georgia. "Rise" as in go-to-war/attack. It was a real issue for the original settlers of the area.

Peter said...

@Anonymous at 8:30AM: Reminds me of an insurance agent in a small Southern town where I lived for a while. His name was Crick, and he was having marital troubles, with his wife accusing him of serial and multiple adultery, etc. The old saying promptly became adapted to "If the good Lord's willin', the Crick won't rise", leading to his insurance agency becoming known as the Impotence Agency.


Tsgt Joe said...

Once I got in my head that 1900 hours was not 9pm, I never missed another meal while I was in the Air Force.

GLT said...

Reminds me of the old joke - Why doesn't the air force have aircraft carriers? They couldn't get a nine-hole golf course to fit on the flight deck

Bill B said...

Not to be picky, but expression is ..., and the Creek don't rise. It refers to a response by Colonel Hawkins to a summons to Washington and his concern with the Creek Indian tribe rising up to delay or stop his trip.

Huge fan! Keep writing.
