Wednesday, February 21, 2024

I fear this may be true...


This meme is currently circulating on social media.  Clickit to biggit.

The sad thing is, I'm afraid it's true.  I know many of my readers have been watching "the signs of the times" for several years, and are aware that we're staring down the barrel of real political, social, economic and cultural unrest.  However, there are still plenty of people who refuse to accept that things can't go on as they are.  They really seem to believe that we can run annual deficits in the trillions of dollars, cope with real inflation rates that are well into double digits, and absorb millions upon millions of alien "migrants" who are effectively an invasion of our First World society by the Third World.

It can't go on.  It won't go on.  The signs of deterioration are all around us . . . but so many people refuse to look at them.  I have no idea why they do that, but they do.

I guess it's up to us to prepare ourselves, our families, our relatives and our friends as best we can for what lies ahead.  For those who won't listen, I guess they're going to be on their own when things go haywire.

That's a tragic and troubling thought.



Anonymous said...

More evidence that it's well past time to be aggressively circumspect (aka STFU) about one's preparedness efforts and being severely selective about whom one has as friends and aquaintances. If they haven't heard and absorbed the information by now they never will, but when S**t Gets Real the Unprepared will expect help and that will be a problem.

It's also a hint that one needs to finalize one's affairs - deal with the small "I'll get to that later" issues.

James said...

I am willing if it can be done with reasonable safety to help out those who did their best in trying times to prepare,the rest,on their own.

Society breaks down am not worried about black helicopters/antifi types ect.,worried about parents with young kids who did not even have a full pantry while buying over priced toys/vacations ect.,they short term see as the biggest threat.

Bailey said...

We have been dealing with this for many years. A closely-related question is the one about the best way to handle those who called you a conspiracy theorist to your face back when, but then show up at your door once things become more real. These questions are well-known to the prepping community...

Clearly, to tell someone that everything they worked for, believed in, and trusted is now largely suspect, and that those things are in fact enormous threats and always have been, and that life is about to become nasty, brutish and shorter as a result... well, you got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy.

It is extremely difficult to confront the fact that you have been lied to, a lot, throughout your life, and you didn't see it coming. You were taken in. You were suckered. You were cheated, of everything that matters in this thing we call 'life'.

And you still don't see it, because it is too hard to admit that they were successful. And the foreground action is just that... there is a larger backdrop against which this drama is unfolding.

If the actual science is correct, then the ADE from the covid shots is only just beginning to ramp up. The short version is this: Over the next 18-24 months, the unvaxxed are going to lose most of the people they care about, who got the shot. We are right in the window being projected. If, if, if...

Try to explain that to those who took the shot (in a parking lot, from a stranger, for a donut), based on the biggest set of lies of all...

As they say, denial is not just a river in Egypt. And that denial is the defense most people use to protect themselves from these gigantic truths, because to face the fact your life is based on nothing more than a beyond-clever sales pitch, that your parents believed and that might have been true at one time but sure isn't any longer... those are, indeed, some tough bananas.

These are the truths to be addressed, somehow, by people entirely unequipped to do so.

Mike in Canada

Xoph said...

Anyone have any idea of the number of people in denial? I think this is a topic not a lot of people are willing to talk about but a lot of people do see it. But the main question is - what can I do about it? Inflation is making sure most people can't do preps. News shows how the full weight of the Feds come down on any opposition. I think most people are just taking the attitude of enjoying the last days of summer, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

I like Sam Gabbert, he gets my business at
Oh, ummm... you should prolly buy more, like, today.
Whatever you have, it ain't enough!

Anonymous said...

Forget trying to wake up the sheeple. Round up the lions and let's go hunting.

J. C. Salomon said...

Spit out the “black pill”. People are waking up. Perhaps only a few of the many people we’ve each tried to reach, but that’s enough for exponential growth—we’re just in the slow initial part of the exponential growth curve.

Anonymous said...

First world society you say. LMFAO. Look, just don’t eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That’s all, just don’t do it hahahahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

Bailey / Mike: Excellent post - but, any suggestions on how to handle "late converts" with their hands out? (And are you really in Canada? We could use you here in the USA... ; )

Antero Rokka said...

"As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!" Thanks, Kipling.

Here in fly-over lands, I am sweating profusely splitting both red and white oak, hard maple, cherry, even some walnut for chillier times. Keeping the spring clear of debris and critters for potable water. Canned and vacuum-packed foods supplement the fresh eatables. Reloads and factory ammo in plentitude. NV and alert canines at the ready.

Down the Township Road--most of the folks are debating what brie is best; where their cruises go this Spring; how 'Muffy and Briggs' are doing at the Poison-Ivy League Schools. All glued to their iPads, phones and tee-vees.

...they all point to me and laugh as they speed down the road in their Tesla or BMW

They will learn how this loving heart, willing to share generations of farming and ranch skills, was scorned, belittled, and laughed at which turned a heart to stone.

Anonymous said...

Through laziness, I once made a bookmark to your site by clicking on an article instead of blog home page. As a result, I always see the November 9, 2021 post ("If you haven't got the message, it may be almost too late. PREPARE NOW!") before I look at your current posts.

Everyone knows the parable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Repeated warnings of impending doom increase the likelihood that listeners will disregard the next alert. "Something bad is going to happen any day now" is certainly true, but it's an anxious way to live.

Remember, we stopped the 'duck-and-cover' drills long before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Thank you for your entertaining and educational content Peter. I'm impressed by the amount of time you must dedicate to writing, and so early in the morning too.

Andrew B said...

My wife and I changed our entire lives about 2 years ago, selling our wonderful, white elephant home and buying something a fraction of the size for cash. We have stockpiled supplies as best we can, been frugal with our money and prudent in our lifestyle. Still, I am deeply troubled by my stepchildren and their blase attitude. I can't get my stepson to even consider any preparations, and his (charming, but VERY liberal) wife is worse. Last week I finally conceded that my efforts were wasted and told my wife that we should increase our supplies to take care of her son's entire family. Tough, that, since I don't make much and our house is already crammed to the rafters with supplies. Still, we have 5 helpless people who will depend on us when things get bad. At least my stepson is hale and hearty and will be able to split lots of firewood.

boron said...

"President Biden is doing such a wonderful job as president."
Next breath:
"I just can't understand why the Government hasn't cracked down on the grocery markets; they're making such a huge profit. I'm spending a hundred dollars or more for a weeks' groceries; it's outrageous."

Anonymous said...

Long ago an acquaintance of mine made it clear. He said "I've talked and talked to people who refuse to pay the least attention and prefer to have head in the sand. Now I simply say 'You've had your chance, I'm tired of talking, if the SHTF DO NOT come to my house expecting me to help you. I will shoot you..'"

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best. Keep in mind, however, the charming and liberal wife of your stepson may be the first to rat you and yours out for all you have accumulated. As this Weimar scenario continues to develop, those lotus eaters and Mall Zombies who had no clue or were in denial, will gladly take their revenge on those of us who followed the dictum in Proverbs 27:12. Go to the JOHN GALT SHENANDOAH website and read his blogvel: THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED.
Play your cards very close to your vest. And be ready to think the unthinkable and do the unmentionable. One of my stepdaughters and her commie-liberal husband live in adjacent state and have drunk the Leviathan's Kool-Aid for years. I do not see them being able to make it into my A/O before all of the "refugees" in Spokane County go totally Walking Dead. But, as with any other of the brain-dead Barbie cult; my plans, however unpleasant, are in place to deal with them. Bleib ubrig. -DTW.

Jen said...

Are you insane? Not helpless, feckless.

Anonymous said...

Hello Peter,

Can you give us a time frame in which you expect this disaster to occur?

Five years?

Ten Years?


Paul Chappell said...

Yeah, why I moved myself and my family here to Wichita Falls... MUCH better place to be than Champaign-Urbana, IL...

Sean said...

We may be short sighted on our view of this. It's a given that "most" people are either unaware, or refuse to look at, or acknowledge that the S is about to hit the fan. I've been prepping a long time now. When things do go sideways, you can bet many attitudes will change, quickly or slowly, depending on a lot of other things. At least we won't have to wake them up. And that's my point. My attitude will be one of reconciliation towards the normies, to get them quickly on board, and up to snuff. I can't gain a thing by being haughty, and I told you so. It's time then, to get them on my side and multiply my force by their addition. If I've ever learned anything, it's to keep modifying your plans and your thinking to fit the situation. True, there will be failures. We have to move on.

elysianfield said...

Mike, as a former police officer, I did not take the shot, but was sorely tempted with the doughnut....

lineman said...

If people spent as much time in organizing and building Tribe with those who were already awake as they did with trying to wake people up they would be in a lot better situation and maybe could of used to to further their values instead of being forced into doing what the rulers value....

Lineman said...

And his liberal wife will sell you out if you don't share all your food with the refugees...

Original Grandpa said...

"They will learn how this loving heart, willing to share generations of farming and ranch skills, was scorned, belittled, and laughed at which turned a heart to stone."
Cpl Antero Rokka wins the internet today, and probably for the week. I am old, and have been trying for decades to get folks to see what they have been blind to. No longer. I now believe that the folks who don't see it and prepare, aren't supposed to see it. They have not wanted to hear it. Fine.
" the last days, even the elect will be deceived" if I recall correctly...

Bailey said...

These are difficult questions to address. The morality of charity vs the obvious requirement for people to be responsible adults, is a rock many smart people founder on when they consider these matters.

What is to be done? How shall you, the one who prepped, comport yourself when confronted by those, who ridiculed and ignored, when the lights are off for now and the shadows have teeth?

In thirty-five years of study, I have not come across a solid, widely-applicable answer.

Personally, I have little kids. My focus is on their well-being, of course, to the exclusion of many other considerations that may or may not have consumed my attention in previous lifetimes. When I am forced to address the knock at our door, or the voices calling out to 'hold fire, it's us!!!', well...

At that point, my choices become difficult. My response in that moment will depend on many factors, not all of them external to me, and though I have run through many scenarios over the years, the only thing that has remained constant is that I will never, ever, provide assistance to anyone that places my children in jeopardy, to any degree and in any way.

Said jeopardy will include the potential for starvation. I am sorry your kids are hungry. Everyone is much smarter than I, so I presume that you had a plan that encouraged you to leave your survival to chance. Go ye forth, then, and execute said plan, if you can.

I hope everyone is ready. God Bless.

Mike in Canada

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its happening now , take a honest look around at things that are happening.

The Wraith said...

Elysianfield wins the internet today.

Anonymous said...

Tens of millions I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Bailey..."Try to explain that to those who took the shot (in a parking lot, from a stranger, for a donut)" That hits home to me in NW CT because I sat in wonderment witnessing hundreds of people getting the jab from hastily hired incompetents working in tents and getting a voucher for a free doughnut or a small coffee. This reminded me of a story I heard concerning the nazis clearing out the Warsaw Ghetto of Jews in 1943 and shipping them to the slave camps. The people were offered a slice of bread with some jam on it when they got to the train station if they presented themselves in an orderly manner. Most did so. History does rhyme.

Aesop said...

Noah had 8 people.
Jesus changed the world with 11 men.
The Green Berets get the job done with 12.
The SEALS do their thing with 14.
Fifty-six people signed the Declaration of Independence.
There were only about 70 men with Captain Parker on Lexington Common.
There were only about 200 at the Alamo.

Don't worry about numbers.
Small groups of committed people can change the world.
They're the only thing that has consistently done so.

Consider the example of Gideon, or Henry V, and be of good cheer.

"we few, we happy few,
we band of brothers...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, yeah, as has been said, and the entire jist of the article is, its already started.
It started 3 years ago. Does that help?

HMS Defiant said...

Yep, civilization is winding down. I think we're going to repeat what happened 100 years ago and it won't be at all nice or good. I was a little encouraged to see El Salvador and Argentina turn it around without immediate recourse to violence and all-out subversion by the 3letter agencies. Nevertheless.....

Brian E. said...

re: "For those who won't listen, I guess they're going to be on their own when things go haywire."
My group has already had this discussion with the family members that can't or won't take seriously what's going on in the world. Our criterion for our group is that everyone works, everyone contributes. It made for some uncomfortable moments when the few that this applied to realized that they'd be turned away when the SHTF. One of them got on board to the degree that they can (elderly family member), the other just brushed it off and apparently put his blinders back on. If/when it goes sideways in our AO, I hope he's not planning on trying to 'crash the gate' as it were - because he'll find himself 'catching bullets' like any other invader/parasite.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe someone that stupid is able to function in society