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The Louisiana State Police received numerous reports of illegal cock fighting being held in the area around Abbeville, and sent their famous Detective Boudreaux from Thibodeaux to investigate. Boudreaux reported to his Commander the next morning.
"Dey is tree main groups involve in dis rooster fightin'," he began.
"Good work! Who are they?" the Commander asked.
Boudreaux replied confidently, "De Texas Aggies, de local Cajuns, and de Democratic Party National Committee."
Puzzled, the Commander asked, "Now Boudreaux, how did you find all that out in one night?"
"Well," he replied, "I went down and done seen dat rooster fight in person. And I knowed immediately dat dem Aggies was involved when a duck was entered in the fight."
The Commander nodded, "I'll buy that. But what about the others?"
Boudreaux nodded knowingly, "Well, I knowed dem Cajuns was involved when sumbody bet on de duck."
"Ah, I see, I see ... " sighed the Commander, "And how did you figure the Democratic Party National Committee was involved?"
"De duck won!"

He forgot to mention that darned duck was named 'Hillary'!!
Way too true... :-)
HRC is corrupt, dishonest, and downright evil, but her base love her anyway. She is the shining path to more free stuff, or so they believe.
The media love her while hating Trump, which shows in their biased coverage.
RINO Republicans would rather keep their cushy pig sty wallows as the beknighted underdogs, because that is a game they know how to play, and how to milk their constituents with for huge contributions to fight the evil Democrats. Trump might just get rid of them or make them actually work for a living.
She has already proven that she is above the law.
And as we all know, the Democrats are past masters at voter fraud and stealing elections.
With all that in her favor I put her chances at 75-80%.
But there are a lot of grass roots citizens fed up to death with the dismal failures endemic to the last eight years. And no one really believes that Hillary would do anything but carry on the status quo.
So I pray that enough of the common folk feel the same way that they very quietly vote their consciences come November and we see an upset the likes of which hasn't happened since Reagan.
But I doubt it. The same country that elected BHO twice will most likely make the worst choice yet again. And this time we may very well not survive the experience.
It's long been said that in a Dems vs Anyone Else contest the Anyone Elses need to win by greater than the margin of fraud; with the Clintons involved that sets a pretty high performance threshold for the Anyone Elses, probably an insurmountably high one this year.
As for Uncle Lar's prediction that we'll survive the experience, I think he's right. I also think that the period between "election" and "surviving the experience" will be really interesting and may require more ammunition and stored food than many of us have on hand.
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