The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed!
Friday, April 12, 2019
How I've longed to do this sometimes . . .
Scott Adams brings the smackdown to a peculiarly irritating form of office pest. Click the image for a larger view at the Dilbert comic strip's Web site.
I've lost count of the number of times I've wanted to do that to someone!
Pa had a story that one place he worked the boss walked in, wondering why a radio had been flung out a second story (presumably open) window. Pa threw it. Only so much country he could stand and then he Solved. The. Problem. And evidently was valued enough that he stayed on after that. But that was likely 50+ years ago, when people were at least slightly sensible from time to time.
If not for the laws I would have done something similar myself a long time ago. Only because "courts interpret the law alone if it's been duly and constitutionally passed", "no matter how unfair and unjust" am I forced to dutifully restrain myself---although I have nearly gotten myself in trouble for "being verbally abusive" for making off-comments out loud instead of under my breath.
My daughter hates that I have my phone set to make the shutter click sound when I take a picture! ha ha ha ha ha She's also the one that insisted that I get a smart phone so I could take pictures!
Pa had a story that one place he worked the boss walked in, wondering why a radio had been flung out a second story (presumably open) window. Pa threw it. Only so much country he could stand and then he Solved. The. Problem. And evidently was valued enough that he stayed on after that. But that was likely 50+ years ago, when people were at least slightly sensible from time to time.
If not for the laws I would have done something similar myself a long time ago.
Only because "courts interpret the law alone if it's been duly and constitutionally passed", "no matter how unfair and unjust" am I forced to dutifully restrain myself---although I have nearly gotten myself in trouble for "being verbally abusive" for making off-comments out loud instead of under my breath.
My daughter hates that I have my phone set to make the shutter click sound when I take a picture! ha ha ha ha ha She's also the one that insisted that I get a smart phone so I could take pictures!
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