Monday, May 25, 2020

Memes that made me laugh 8

Another weekly roundup.

And this one isn't funny, just infuriating because it's true.



nono said...

I will note that six of the seven are back in jail.

Old NFO said...

All good ones... sigh... And yes, thankfully almost all those assholes are back in jail.

Justin_O_Guy said...

And while the fact that they are Back in jail is comforting,, lets not lose sight of the absolute Insanity of the situation.. Arrest a guy for takin his own chances in life,, and release dangerous criminals for fear they might get a bug that is not Nearly as bad as we were told..
Im lookin forward to the day when the People just straight up tell these Experts who have NO credibility to just Fukkoff.
If this kind of power and control is allowed,, will mountain climbing, parachuting and scuba diving continue to Be Allowed?
ALLOWED??? Yeah, allowed,, because they see themselves as Allowing us to enjoy what freedom they deem right.. And NO,, I cant name They,, SO WHAT!??

Sedition said...

New Jersey should burn.

And, yes, I am going to use that response when someone tries to climb my ass about not wearing a mask.

Mark@Bismarck said...

New Jersey looks like it's burned.