Monday, July 31, 2023



Have you ever looked at all those icons on the dashboard of your vehicle, and wondered what they could possibly mean?

Fear not!  Roberta X explains all in a post on her blog.  Examples:

1. Motorcycles ran over snake three times, left.
8. Built-in adobe bread oven has been left open.
21. You are *so* fat-bottomed!
26. Warning! Anal probe unlocked!

There are many more at the link.  Click over there and enjoy!



Old NFO said...

Good ones!!!

chipmunk said...

So THAT'S what all those pictures mean!

Hamsterman said...

I've always referred to the 'check engine light' as the Yellow Submarine.

Anonymous said...

One that isn't shown is my RAM low DEF indicator light. The best description I can provide is a sea turtle flying over the ocean while getting rained on.