Monday, March 4, 2024

An escape - but where will they go?


I'm sure that by now, most of my readers are aware that over the weekend, Haitian gangs assaulted that country's main prison and freed over 4,000 suspects and inmates.  The government simply did not have the resources to stop them.

The question is:  where will those 4,000 people, and those who freed them, go?

I suspect an awful lot of them will end up in the USA.  Don't forget, the Biden administration announced just over a year ago that it will admit up to 30,000 "migrants" every year from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.  We've already seen what those from Venezuela are doing.  Why should we not assume that those from Haiti will not be similarly criminally inclined?

I wonder how many of those 4,000 escapees have already left Haiti, and are on their way here?



BGnad said...

=>"I wonder how many of those 4,000 escapees have already left Haiti, and are on their way here?"

The majority of them, I recon.

Jess said...

They definitely won't go to my area. Big cities is where they'll arrive to ply their criminal enterprises.

Beans said...

Yep, with Catholic Charities and the American Red Cross funding their way.

Landroll said...

"If you build it, they will come." We built it with the help of Joe and Mayorkas. So 'they' are coming. Like the line from a song says,"Whacha gonna do about it?"

ViulfR said...

The Haitians have been coming for some time, I doubt these (prisoners or not) will be significantly worse than we've already seen.

But, they will add to the invasion force(s). Yon has a piece over at WRSA about one of the transit centers being burned and the records destroyed with it. This is intentional as the end game is being set. Things must be in place to rock and roll after the RNC/ DNC nominations as the vote must not be allowed to take place, period.

The question that bugs and intrigues me is: we know it's coming, we know they're propositioning the troops, why don't we know where the stores/logistics are? Too bad we don't know where their caches are, could be a game changer and a ton of fun...

Chris Nelson said...

The question that should be asked is: "How much ammo do you have?"

The answer is: "Not enough."

Old NFO said...

Probably most have already left on their way to the USA. Sigh...