Monday, March 18, 2024

Memes that made me laugh 201


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



McChuck said...

Any bets that the Russian election was more "free and fair" than ours are these days?

Bailey said...

'Tis most revealing that the West is more concerned with events abroad and how bad or corrupt those events *might* be, than the demonstrably bad and corrupt things going on right here at home.

I am so sick of these people.

Mike in Canada

Jim said...

The above meme ain't just rue about the Marines. I can say with certainty that is applies to the army as well, likely the navy too.

JWM said...

Bean cones! takes me back to the Boy's Club in old La Habra, circa 1964. You got a scoop of refried beans and a little shredded cheese in a wafer cone, just like in the pic. And it cost only a nickel.
(yeah, I know...OK,Boomer...)


Aesop said...

Dad wasn't big on Mexican cuisine, so never got to give Baby Brother the refried cone.

But happily introduced him to jalapeño peppers one night. He had a habit of stealing the cherry tomatoes from my dinner salads when Dad gave mom the night off from cooking and took the family out to dinner.

"Sure, you can have that one. It's another special kind of tomato."

Baby Brother has fire engine red hair, a freckle tan, and gets sunburned from the 40W bulb inside it if he stands in front of the open refrigerator too long.
But one chomp on the "special" tomato, and like a cartoon, he turned 11 shades of redder, smoke came out his ears, and he chugged down an entire glass of milk in about 2 seconds trying to put out the fire, and it still brought tears to his little eyes.

Mine too, but mainly from laughing at him. Totally worth mom's rap on the back of my head for setting him on fire.

And he learned a valuable lesson about vegetable identification, and also about trying to steal my food: don't.

Aesop said...

And the Marine meme is cute, but inaccurate.
The actual standard is 9 out of 11 or better, and the gold standard is to use "The Word" as a proper noun, common noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection in the same sentence or three.
Failing to meet that standard is reserved for lesser mortals.

Typical everyday example: "Bleep! Private Bleepstick has bleeped this Bleeping bleeper up so bleeping bad, it'll never bleep the bleeping excrement right until it's bleeping well sent to the deity-accursed mother-bleeping bleepers at depot to get totally unbleeped!"

[Trained professional. Closed course. Do not try this at home.]

Another classic Big Green example:

Mikey said...

There were bean popsicles over in the ROK when I was there as well as garlic and onion.