Tuesday, March 26, 2024

And the winner is...


I'm obliged to Dr. Grumpy for this reminder of what some might consider the world's greatest newspaper headline.  Clickit to biggit.

I never have been able to find out the backstory behind the headline . . . can any reader oblige?



Ian J said...

There used to be a sunday 'newspaper' in the UK called the News of the World' In the 1970s or 80s, they ran the classic front page headline:
"Nudist welfare man's model wife fell for the Chinese hypnotist from the Co-op bacon factory."

Mad celt said...

I don't think I want to know any more.

Trumpeter said...

I going with "Anus eating virus, 70% fatal, spreading like wildfire!"

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

Here 'tis:


sysadmn said...

Let's have a moment of silence for former New York Post editor Vincent A. Musetto, who penned such classics as "Headless Body in Topless Bar", "Fairy Godfather" (about a gay mafiosi), and "Ho No!" (about NY Gov. Elliot Spitzer's visit to a prostitute).

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Snickers Bars have nuts in them. That would explain a few things in this head line.