Sunday, December 12, 2010

Doofus Of The Day #422

Today's award goes, not to the central figure in this news story - although he certainly qualifies! - but to New York City's Department of Consumer Affairs, which is responsible for it still being a story!

Seydou Kone, 21, is the worst pedicabby in New York City -- racking up nearly 90 violations this year by his own admission and four open arrest warrants for failing to pay tickets.

The tourist-toting tricyclist spends as much time in Manhattan Criminal Court as he does riding amok in Central Park.

"I got a court day Monday, Friday and next Friday, too," Kone told The Post, while parting a sea of shoppers at the Columbus Circle holiday market with his pedicab.

The dangerous driver -- licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs since April -- admits to blowing red lights, failing to signal, disobeying traffic signs, blocking crosswalks and even riding on sidewalks.

Inexplicably, he still has a city license to drive a pedicab.

If he drove a yellow cab, the Taxi and Limousine Commission would have already yanked his privilege.

The TLC suspends a hack license if a cabby receives 6 points -- equal to two moving violations -- in 15 months, and it revokes it if a driver accumulates 10 points in that time frame.

The DCA says it yanks licenses on a discretionary basis, but the agency was blind to the volume of Kone's misdeeds and could not explain to The Post why he continues to roll.

The renegade rider said he's appeared in court to answer 56 summonses that police and parks officers slapped him with this year -- and paid $700 in fines.

"I think I have 22 more at home," he said.

There's more at the link.

Would someone please explain the reason for existence of a city department that can allow a public menace like this to go merrily on his way, putting others in danger, and simply not caring about it? Isn't it time for the entire department - or, at least, those concerned with licensing pedicabs - to be summarily fired?

Bureaucrats! Grrrr!


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