Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fundraiser, with prizes, for Honored American Veterans Afield

Fellow blogger Linoge at Walls Of The City has launched a fund-raiser for Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA).  The organization says of itself:

The HAVA vision is the creation of a small organization of volunteers from the shooting sports industry to facilitate a series of hunting and shooting activities for groups of disabled veterans wherein personal attention of the sponsors and facility operators contributes to the veteran’s sense of joy and accomplishment, and a permanent awareness that marvelous things are possible despite disabling injuries. These veterans have given their full measure of commitment to the preservation of their country’s values, and deserve America’s contribution to their healing process to whatever degree necessary to accomplish physical, mental and cultural rehabilitation.

There's more at the link.  A Chairman's Letter provides additional information, and includes this paragraph which particularly pleases me.

You will not see much publicity about HAVA activities or its sponsors, nor will we promote the interests of contributing companies. The private, personal rehabilitation of the participating veteran is our only goal, and we will not use them to promote the organization or raise funds. These men and women have given their all in defending the American way of life, and to aid in their physical, mental and cultural rehabilitation is the only HAVA mission. Occasionally in advertising, and every day on our web site, we will acknowledge contributors or sponsors, but we will never tie HAVA to any commercial interest nor will we allow any contributor to exploit the association.

HAVA is sponsored by some of the biggest corporations in the shooting industry, and seeks donations from interested members of the public as well.

Linoge has put together some interesting prize packages for donors to HAVA.  You can read all about them, plus the donation procedure, at his blog.  It seems like a worthwhile cause, and you've got the potential to win some useful swag by supporting his efforts.  What's not to like?


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