Stephan Pastis takes on the National Football League. Click the image to be taken to a full-size version at the comic's Web page.
I think he has a point. When I arrived in this country, more than two decades ago, I can still remember getting the distinct impression that American football was a license to fold, spindle and mutilate everyone except the man with the ball! No longer . . .
Put 'em in a dress... sigh
I wish I could figure out where all the "stupid" kool-aid is coming from, and get rid of it. Good grief.
This would not surprise me if it were true.
They ruined NASCAR the same way, IMHO.
Merry Christmas, all. God bless!
NFL: National Fairy League
I remain convinced that a large part of what's going into the "sissification" of culture has a huge amount to do with the amount of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds found in the modern environment. I would bet money that if you were to go back and track the amounts of such chemicals in the environment from the 1940s forward, the line would correlate nicely with the increase in the feminization of society, as well as the decrease in male sperm counts.
We make fun of the Romans for all the lead they had permeating their industry and society, but are we really any different? The amount of female hormones and analogs we pump into the environment every single day is certainly as influential as the lead we ascribe the failures of Rome to, and probably even more insidious. I wager that in future years, our descendants will mock us for this set of facts...
Soybeans. Apparently has a high content of an estrogen analog. Soy products have been in use for at least a generation here in the US. I do my best to avoid it, but it is in nearly everything. I'm beginning to wonder if their might be an agenda driving this.
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