Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

Let Sergeant McKenzie speak for all veterans, and for all wars.

To those who stood their ground beside me, and did not come back . . . I remember you.  You are not forgotten.




Hashem bless their memory. May their names and deeds never be forgotten, lasting beyond the lives of those who knew them into eternity.


Beans said...

First time I heard that was in the movie "We were Soldiers." So, of course, I had to figure out what it was. Kinda hard in the early days of super-internet.

Second time I heard it was re-watching the movie. Now in the world of the super-internet I tracked it down and read all about it.

A truly mournful song. One that brings tears not from the eyes but from the soul. Even if you can't understand the words.

And I remember those who fell for me.

Old NFO said...

Hand Salute-

Ready, Two!

Coyote Hubbard III said...

Vid has already been killed... Not available.

Peter said...

@Coyote Hubbard III: The video still works for me. Where are you? Depending on your location, there might be a restriction on playback.