Monday, November 13, 2023

Memes that made me laugh 185


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Billll said...

"Monday:: An early attempt to get Joe Biden to sit for a photo.

Gerry said...

After the Japanese engineers had a chance to drive a Volvo, their Swedish host asked them what they thought of the car.

The Japanese politely stated it was the best driving tractor they had ever tested.

TGreen said...

As tempting as may be, do NOT post the Army Veteran sign. A woke prosecutor or even CPS would use it as Exhibit #1.

Aesop said...


What makes you think a woke prosecutor or CPS won't be the first people shot...?

Just wondering.

Sherm said...

You all laugh at the 240 Volvo but the engine on ours was still running like a champ at 300,000 miles. Kids kicking the back of the driver's seat, for years, destroyed the lumbar support but brakes, clutch, and oil was the only regular work we ever had to do. That's something like three head gasket replacements on a Subaru.

Usually .45ACO+P said...

Per meme #4: may I recommend Beethoven's Wellington Victory. He did cannon first and had musketry as well.

TGreen said...

@Aesop Because "Murphy was an optimist" ;)