Monday, November 27, 2023

Verily, the mind doth boggle...


Headline of the day:

US nuke reactor lab hit by 'gay furry hackers' demanding cat-human mutants



Aesop said...


you're expressing shock that a bunch of mentally deranged people did something...mentally deranged...?!?

This is gravity, working. Which is the reason the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Rick T said...

The lab in Idaho is more likely to be making potato-human hybrids, but when it held one of the Navy's nuclear power training facilities it was renowned for sending sailors to the fleet with a gun, a truck, and a wife.

It is a nuclear engineering lab, not a biological facility. The hackers have watched too many Spiderman cartoons if they really think getting bitten by a radioactive cat will create cat-girls...

Anonymous said...

This story smells of a set-up. Probably intended to make the FBI look good.

Anonymous said...

THIS is exactly why we cannot allow nuclear power to proliferate. During the continuing unpleasantness in eastern europe, REMEMBER how the failed reactor was a major target? We are allowing powerful dirty-bomb type weapons - that can be "accidently" turned against us - to be installed adjacent to our population centres in western countries.

Who says these were mere "hackers" ? We all know that our media would NEVER lie to us. This could NEVER be some hostile government we are unofficially at war with or an international Bond-villain type of global group who have now planted a back-door into the software controlling nuclear reactors.

Fantasy right? I must be an idiot to raise such total lunacy. It's simply impossible !

Remember how the US implanted flawed software into pipeline control system software they knew russian hackers were stealing - and how it caused a pipeline to blow up - the explosion visible from space? Remember how the israelis created "stux-net", malicious code that was secretly transmitted to air-gapped computers that were controlling nuclear centrifuges - again causing explosions in nuclear facilities that were for "peaceful research use only".

This is highly suspicious and needs to be noted for the future. "Hackers" have directly penetrated these computer systems and only took employee records etc. Pull the other one.

Anonymous said...

Big deal. All that, plus all the security clearance files, were swiped by China some years ago.

Anonymous said...


Many folks in my town have a 90 minute commute to the INL. On 80mph interstates and 65 mph highways.

The 'population center nearest-which is still a good few miles out-has No Services, it's so tiny. (Atomic City, you can look it up.)

America doesn't screw around with tests in urban areas, and we have miles and miles of miles and miles to work with.

Gotta refute propeganda when it pops up.