Wednesday, June 9, 2021

I've had days like that...


From Stephan Pastis, a couple of days ago.  Click the image to be taken to a larger view at the cartoon's Web page.

Some days they can just give me the entire carafe - and for Old NFO, whose taste for "real Navy coffee" is legendary, they can give him the urn!



John in Philly said...

The days of Navy coffee are long in my past.
The coffee grounds procured by the lowest bidder, and then kept in the supply system for a very long time, the antique coffee pot with its thick brown coating of sludge lining the interior, and the water from shipboard storage tanks laced with a heavy dose of chlorine or bromine.
What's not to love! :)

Murder Kitten said...

I showed this to my beloved and he said, "You could be that mouse. In fact, they would just deliver your coffee in one of the big f**king chemical tanker trucks."

Jim said...

Navy coffee would likely be a luxury after C-ration instant.

Flugelman said...

If it won't float a nickel it ain't worth the effort...