Thursday, September 28, 2023

Just to show that Hollywood can be as bad as Bollywood...


... when it comes to "impossible" action and fight scenes, here are ten of the best from the Fast & Furious movie franchise.

Yep.  Bollywood, for all its over-the-top action sequences, could do no better.



Magson said...

My 1st movie from the franchise was the 5th one. I thought it was ok, if cheesy/silly/campy. A bit later I saw the 6th, then I went back and caught the 1st and 2nd. Never bothered with the 3rd and 4th. I've seen the 7th and 8th also, but..... they're just so ridiculous nad over the top that, sure, I'll have a goofy grin on my face while watching them, but when they're over it's just.. eh, whatever. As a result, I've not seen the 9th, nor do I intend to see the 10th. They're fluffy bits of nothing, which is fine so far as it goes, but I don't need to keep going back to that well either.

Old NFO said...

That horse is dead, and they're just flogging the bones...again...

Anonymous said...

Only thing missing was the POWs and BAMs. Still doesn't stink like Turkish Superman.