Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Well, what did they expect???


I had to laugh at this report from Australia.

Police officers in Australia have been accused of falsely registering as non-binary as part of a scheme to claim a higher clothing allowance from their department.

At least 17 officers from the Victoria Police have been interviewed in the force’s investigation of the alleged scheme, according to the Herald Sun, which was first brought to light on social media in June.

Victoria officers identifying as female are given a clothing allowance $1,300 higher than those identifying as male — and those who identify as non-binary or gender neutral receive the same stipend, a loophole investigators believe male officers are exploiting to pocket more money.

. . .

Participation in the scheme seemed to spread like wildfire — at one point, one department employee per day was newly identifying as non-binary.

By June, more than 130 employees identified as non-binary — up from just 32 the prior year.

There's more at the link.

As the late President Reagan pointed out, "If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it."  The Victoria police effectively subsidized the transgender brouhaha by offering more money to those who took that route, with the result that many of its employees took advantage of their offer.  How could they have reasonably expected any other result?

Now they're threatening consequences against those officers who've taken advantage of this loophole.  I don't see how they can act against them when all the officer has to do is point out that he identified as non-binary - not that he actually was non-binary.  Nothing in their regulations appears to have required him to provide evidence of his claim, such as undergoing surgery or taking any other irreversible, verifiable action.  That being the case, how has he broken any law?  Identification is solely in the mind, and physical evidence of it is just about impossible to provide.

I understand the Australian government subsidizes game reserves and the like.  How about the officers identify as emus, to take advantage of the subsidy while it lasts?  It's for the birds!



SiGraybeard said...

The only surprising thing about the story is that it happens everywhere and governments simply do not understand that first law of economics that you state. You get more of what you incentivize. Look no farther than the dramatic rise in wholesale shoplifting. Or the dramatic rise in all crimes in the big cities.

They never seem to understand that and they never grasp the idea of unintended consequences. Or the idea that raising tax rates doesn't necessarily raise tax revenues. And about a godzillion other things.

MNW said...

I believe the quote is nore like: "If it moves, tax it - If it keeps moving regulate - If it stops moving subsidize it"

Old NFO said...

LOL, playing the game... ALWAYS has more than one outcome...

LL said...

According to the woke, you're allowed to change your gender whenever you feel that you've changed. I expect that race is the same. It's simply how you identify. You could be Two Spirit in the morning and a male lesbian in the evening based on woke rules.

I would guess that age is the same. I can be twenty-five when it suits me and collect an old age pension simultaneously. You can be overweight and identify as thin. To dispute that is "body shaming" and forbidden.

Orwell explained it better than I possibly could. Newspeak is alive and well. Doublespeak is a language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., "downsizing" for layoffs and "servicing the target" for bombing), in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth and it's the language of modern woke.

The fact that Australian police have embraced "self-identification" is hilarious to me.

Trumpeter said...

They are not checking receipts for women to see if the extra stipend is actually being spent on (yep) uniforms. Just hassling the poor trannies.

You gender fluid cops should point out that you are more confident than cis cops because you can search males, females, bi, fluid, furries and freaks without having to call for another officer.

Selene said...

I am so glad you have a great sense of humor, and share your delightful findings with us. A smile over my tea cup.

Anonymous said...

For a few arduous years, I was stuck in Corporate America. Promotions seemed to follow a path directly through HR's master algorithm.

A good friend from those days, with the last name Watson, legally changed his last name to Hernandez after being sidelined while much-lesser qualified colleagues rose through the ranks.

Within six months he was XO of the department he'd been stuck counting beans in for years.

Blue said...

For whatever it's worth, the current Victorian government is the most left wing in Australia, with the current premier having spent his entire working life in politics after taking 8 years to finish a 3 year arts degree. He's also spent the best part of 20 years placing yes men in all the right positions so the correct decisions magically happen, so even if there were a nominally conservatives government elected, they couldn't change anything.

libertyman said...

I wonder if they are all named "Bruce", if you get the reference...

Anonymous said...

As a long retired Peace Officer here in the US, I find Trumpeter's comment especially on point. Just for the prospective pleasure of watching the Aussie Zampoliti go crazy trying to deal with their own theology AND at the same time the lawsuits from Aussie subjects. I suspect that either the Australian courts will sort out the Zampoliti or make it so that the Aussie cops can do as they bloody well please.

Subotai Bahadur

Anonymous said...

Aussie here. Unfortunately I am not aware of govt funding game reserves. However our latest asinine trend is people are currently identifying as "aboriginal". It is being actively encouraged by special treatment like bulk billing of medical costs (ie free), lower interest rates for housing, accelerated career advancement - and best of all - for 99% of the perks you only have to "self-identify".

Our lefty federal government is now pushing a national referendum on something called "The Voice" - which is an aboriginal lobbyists wet-dream.

Apparently our aborigines have a special ancient wisdom about everything and cannot communicate to the rest of us without a special permanent advisory capacity to federal parliament because "muh-racisms".

The full details of "The Voice" are being hidden and anyone asking even the most basic question is automatically declared a R-A-C-I-S-T ! ! ! ! !

Next step is very clearly a "Treaty", followed by massive "Reparations".

Sorry to say, but after all the BS around the medical treatment is fading away, this is very clearly the next step to keep us divided and at each others throats rather than questioning the immigration situation, involvement in the eastern european conflict, soaring inflation, soaring national debt, foreign aid spending, the introduction of CBDCs, de-banking of protestors, ever tightening gun laws and the unquestionable need for ubiquitous surveillance cameras everywhere.

Something HUGE is coming and it is pretty clear our federal and state governments are doing their level best to keep the population distracted.

Andrew Smith said...

The thing is, it only works out to about $25 per week. Still ...

Reports emerged about the issue in June with the Instagram account @discernableofficial sharing that there were “unconfirmed reports from inside Victoria police that management is pulling their hair out after the majority of a CIU (Crime Investigation Unit) in Southern Region changed their profile in the HR system to be ‘gender neutral’”.