Monday, September 4, 2023

Yet more evidence that you can't entrust your children to state schools


Over the past couple of weeks I've put up two articles on this subject:

You can no longer entrust your children to the state

When the State decides it, not you, "owns" your children

Now we find that even if the state passes laws "protecting" our children, teachers' unions will cheerfully ignore and/or undermine them - and the state will do nothing about it.

Some parents in Jefferson County [Colorado] say teachers are breaking state and federal laws and their union is helping them get away with it.

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Denice Crawford, who has three kids in the school district, says she was encouraged when the district sent an email to all employees before the school year started reminding them state and federal law prohibits mandatory surveys that ask kids about protected information and even voluntary surveys, it said, are illegal unless parents can opt out.

When her son came home with a survey asking about his gender identity she was more than surprised.

"Deceived, lied to, taken advantage of," she said.   

She's not alone. Parents with Jeffco Kids First say dozens of teachers have conducted the surveys after their union advised them how to hide evidence of them.

"The leadership actually provided an avenue to get around the law and basically saying it was OK," says school board member Susan Miller.

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JCEA President, Brooke Williams, wouldn't say why she directed teachers use paper and get rid of surveys after noting students answers. She claims people are politicizing the issue.

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Parents say they're not questioning whether students should be able to share their preferred pronouns or whether transgender people should be outed, but rather why the union told teachers to break the law and hide the evidence.

There's more at the link.

There you have it.  Even when laws nominally protect our children from such politically motivated intrusions, if the teachers who are supposed to obey the laws refuse to do so, we can do little or nothing to stop them - particularly when they deliberately conceal evidence of what they're doing.

Schools run according to local and state government rules simply can't be trusted to do the right thing for our children.  They've become corrupted by moonbattery, political correctness and progressive extremism.  There may be exceptions to that, but I submit they're exceptions that prove the rule.

Many of my readers no longer have children of school age, so they're insulated from this;  but their children's children are not.  Please, friends, tell your children and grandchildren about what's going on, and make sure they understand that the state-run educational system has been hijacked by progressives and transformed into a machine designed to undermine the traditional family and its values, coercing our kids into the progressive mold championed by far too many of their teachers.

I believe it's now our moral responsibility to ensure that our children and grandchildren are educated anywhere but such a school system.  Laws won't work, so "opting out" is the only defense we have against such manipulation.



Beans said...

What's so surprising? Teachers' Unions have been hiding child sex trafficking, pedophelia, child pornography, drug and alcohol use and sale to minors, abuse, neglect, theft by teachers of student property all these years.

Want to suddenly increase test scores and actual learning at public schools? First ban all unions. Then hold competency tests for all teachers and administrators, and get rid of the ones that fail basic high school levels (for elementary teachers and middle school ones) and, oh, 2 year or 4 year degree levels for high school teachers.

Texas Mike said...

We decided early on that our daughter would not attend public schools. We were only able to have 1 child, so there was no reason we couldn't afford private Christian school. It's not cheap, but worth every penny and every sacrifice.

Tree Mike said...

Is it still frowned upon to shoot Satanic, commie, sexual predators preying on children? Does it make a difference if they're freelance or state sponsored? Asking for a friend.