Sunday, March 4, 2012

The sound of the sea - as you've never heard it before!

This video was apparently taken near Odessa in the Ukraine. What you're hearing is the sound of sea ice, grinding against itself as the Black Sea moves beneath it.

I've never heard anything like that! Have US readers - along the coast of Maine, for example, or up in Alaska - heard sea ice make similar sounds?



Anonymous said...

I lived in North New Jersey most of my life near a large reservoir. Back in the early 1960's when we had some really cold winters the reservoir would freeze over pretty good.

We'd go down in the late night hours when it was really quiet and listen. Every once in a while the ice would shift and sound like a really loud rifle shot. But I've never heard anything like what's on the video.

Guess it could use some oil.


maddmedic said...

North shore, Lake Superior once heard similar, was kind of spooky...

Rev. Paul said...

Only heard it once, and it was similar but not identical to this.

Peter said...

Interesting video, but it definitely wasn't taken on the Black Sea near Odessa. The Black Sea does not freeze in winter, except for the shallow northeastern part known as the Sea of Azov. Odessa grew as a major port during the Soviet period mainly because it is always ice-free.

skidmark said...

I've heard similar on Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, as well as around the New England coast. Also have heard almost the exact same sounds walking across hard-pack snow when it was below 0* out. First time I heard it was near Mackinac Island and I was wondering how whales made it that far through fresh water.

stay safe.

Roy said...

I've heard sounds similar to that on sonar while off the coast of...

Never mind.

DaddyBear said...

I heard similar things on the lakes and large rivers in North Dakota when they were beginning to thaw. That was normally the signal to quit going out on the ice, but every year, someone wouldn't heed the warning.