For the benefit of overseas readers, in the USA a "mugshot" is a common term for the photograph taken of suspects/offenders by police when they're arrested, as they're booked into the local jail.
This one comes to us courtesy of the Oakland County Sheriff's Office in Michigan. More information here.
That’s the past tense of “blow” isn’t it?
I wonder why they left the wig in place for a mugshot!
Regardless, she is just absolutely stunning, right out of one of my dreams or should I say nightmares.
If ever there was a prime example of "That which is seen, cannot be unseen", this is it!
I'm calling 'cultural appropriation'. Blonde hair? Blue lips? She's appropriating the culture of frost-bitten Northern Europeans.
What manner of cyanosis is this?
Blond Wig?
I just need to go back to bed...
That's exactly the color of the chalk cubes used in Pool.
In the late-'90's, I (along with Family) permanently-departed MI after 30 years' tenure in that sometimes-kinda-grrreat State - the vast bulk of that time being residency in Oakland County, oft-times in fairly-close proximity to the erstwhile City of Pontiac - and thankfully have seldom had cause of any sort to re-enter that region (and stayed only very briefly thereabouts on any/all of those few occasions)during the roughly-two-decades' time since...kinda "nice" to see (from a relatively-safe distance) evidence that a) matters thereabouts have not improved noticeably in many respects , thereby b) deeply-vindicating my/our considered judgment in making said departure to saner regions of the U.S.A....
Bright-blue lipgloss and extensively-bleached-blonde, shaggy-dog hair-don't on a self-admitted homicidal husband-blaster (and, BTW, that is NOT-necessarily a WIG!)...That's not altogether the worst area in that particular city, either, BTW -
Well - maybe she was workin' on some sort of "cosplay"-thing, there, y'know?...
Could've been far, far worse - at least, she doesn't appear to be 350 - 400 plus pounds nor have extensive "body illustrations" - yet, anyway.
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