Sunday, February 15, 2009

An apology to Weekend Wings fans

I know some of you are waiting for the second and subsequent instalments of my Weekend Wings series on aerial bombardment. I'm working hard on it. At present, there look to be at least four more instalments:
  • Bombing in World War I;
  • The further development of bombing between the World Wars;
  • Strategic bombardment in World War II;
  • The further development of bombing in the nuclear age.

The problem is, to produce a single Weekend Wings article usually takes me 15-20 hours of reading, research and writing: sometimes more. The subject of aerial bombardment in particular is taking much longer, because I'm having to do a lot more background reading. I have a very good general knowledge of aviation, but this is a more specialized topic, and I can't do it justice without putting in the effort required.

Unfortunately, I have to work at other things as well (don't we all?), so the series is a bit delayed due to lack of spare time. I'll get to it as soon as I can, I promise.

Meanwhile, I hope to have something very interesting to report in a slightly different Wings line, perhaps as early as tomorrow night. Watch this space!


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