"Helton Strom is a fairly ordinary guy who runs afoul of officialdom and space pirates. He is left with nothing but his wits and the clothes on his back, without so much as planetary citizenship left to his name. Is the ugly, ancient, broken down military surplus starship he wins in a card game the key to a bright future hauling passengers and cargo among the stars, or will his repairs allow the demons lurking in its murky and lethal past be reawakened to come back and deliver a world of destruction?
"The Stars Came Back might be classed as a space-western, with lots of action and adventure. Or maybe it’s a space-opera, and tension ebbs and flows. Unless it’s military fiction, with everything from spaceship battles to serious swords-and-sandals action. You might consider it a philosophical sci-fi, or perhaps it’s a mystery set in space (well, Tajemnica certainly is, in any case). Whatever you want to call it, if you want a good adventure with a few things to think about along the way, this story is for you.
"This is my first novel. Hopefully, it won’t be the last."
It's an interesting effort. Apparently it was begun as a film script, and it still follows that style of writing; but it merges into the novel genre, allowing the characters to speak for themselves. When I read an early draft of the book, I wasn't sure I liked the way Rolf had written it. It wasn't like the books to which I'm accustomed. However, once I'd figured out how he was approaching it, it was surprisingly readable. I think you'll find it a worthwhile experiment.
If all goes well, there'll be more books in the series. Congratulations, Rolf, and welcome to the world of blogging authors. There are lots of us out there!
Congrats to Rolf, and good timing, I need something to read this weekend on the 22 hours of plane rides...
Thanks, and you are welcome. Amazon says it's "page equivalent" is 597 pages (though there are several graphics that read pretty fast :-), so that ought to last a while. Let us know what you think when you return, and have a good trip!
Sweet. Now I get to read it again!
Can't wait for the next one.
Yes, you can read it again - but now with 30% better writing, 10% fewer words, and 100% more ending :-) Hope to hear from you when you are done (still needs more reviews at Amazon).
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