Monday, August 1, 2011


Yes, that headline's in capital letters. I wish I could make it appear on my readers' screens in FLASHING NEON CAPITAL LETTERS three feet high! For the first time in my experience, I've heard a US Senator tell the truth about the budgetary mess, this country's debt crisis, and what it means for our politicians.

I can't urge you too strongly to watch the WHOLE of the 27-minute video clip below. Senator Tom Coburn tells the exact and literal truth about the present situation. He pulls no punches, hides nothing, and lays out the facts for all to see and hear. This isn't partisan politics; this isn't electioneering; HE SPEAKS NOTHING MORE OR LESS THAN THE TRUTH.

Watch, and listen. It's worth every moment of your time - and yes, it is that important.

If Senator Coburn were running for President, he'd just have earned my vote - because he's the first major figure on either side of the aisle who hasn't lied or equivocated about, or tried to hide, the mess we're in. He speaks truths we need to hear, and absorb, and act upon. If we don't, we - and our children - are well and truly screwed.



Old NFO said...

And he even told the truth on social security!!! damn...

Unknown said...

That was kind of unbelievable!

Why yes, I AM a master of understatement.

Anonymous said...

Very proud of the Senator from Oklahoma!

trailbee said...

Absolutely! This is the first time someone had the cajones to say something worth hearing. The worst part is that nothing is going to change, except for the worse. Thank you for the post.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that I have been telling people who ask me about the current crisis is if there were someone with the guts to get up and LEAD instead of trying to protect their current job, that person would be the frontrunner for the Presidency. I think we may have found that person, if Senator Coburn is interested.

trailbee said...

Back again, but this is one great video. I doubt that he is interested, because John Kerry would be chasing him down every corridor, trying to shut him the hell up and make him go away. :) I loved that bit. Kerry said he heard Coburn in his office and I bet he must have blanched and puked. How to get on his tie and suit jacket fast enough to get his butt into the Senate to try and muzzle this guy. And, he did try! You've got to love it.

skreidle said...

He's incorrect on the USPS, though, which is not government-funded. From Wikipedia: "Since its reorganization into an independent organization, the USPS has become self-sufficient and has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s with the minor exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters."