Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A game of "chicken" on a busy Russian road

Perhaps both of these drivers should get "Doofus Of The Day" awards . . .

On the other hand, perhaps both of them should simply grow up!



Old NFO said...

I'm 'somebody', I'm driving an expensive car, get outta my way!

Glenn B said...

Happens here in and around NYC all the time. Guilty of it myself infrequently and usually would just have let the guy in unless he was a total moron. Funny, now that I am retired, I seem to do it a lot less with my own car now than I did with it, or with the government car, when I was employed by the G. Virtually not at all nowadays.

Go figure how daily traffic like that shown, or worse, can effect you AND how not dealing with it effects one in an opposite way. Since, I am not in stop and go, blood pressure elevating, traffic every workday as I virtually was every work day, when I worked in NYC, and I am not afflicted by aresehats on the road anywhere nearly as often as when I had the G-ride, I guess my driving persona has calmed quite a bit. It is so nice not to have to drive in that crap any more.

All the best,

HerrBGone said...

What is the plural of Doofus? Doofi? Looks like a couple of them right there!

Redneck said...

I think it's important to prevent jerks like the one in the white car to get away with the crap they try, like what he tried. Of course, there's a limit to how far I'll go, but the more they they get away with the more they'll act like jerks. Put on a turn signal and move over slightly and I'll probably let you in. Try to bully your way in and I'll go pretty damn far to prevent it.
