Sunday, December 7, 2008

HS Precision slaps shooters in the face

Readers will recall my post about the HS Precision controversy some two weeks ago.

Well, finally - finally! - its management have found something to say about it. They haven't made much of a fuss at all: you have to look hard on their Web site to find a tiny link, up in the right-hand corner, saying simply '2008 Catalog Statement'. Click it, and you'll read this:

To Our Valued Customers:

H-S Precision has received comments relating to individual testimonials in our 2008 catalog. All of the testimonials focused on the quality, accuracy and customer service provided by H-S Precision.

The management of H-S Precision did not intend to offend anyone or create any type of controversy. We are revising our 2009 catalog and removing all product testimonials.


The Management of H-S Precision

Uh-huh. Right.

This is all they can find to say, after royally pissing off virtually the entire shooting community by publishing an endorsement from a man almost universally regarded as morally, if not legally, guilty of murder?

Sorry, HS Precision. You blew it. Big-time.

A response like that is the equivalent of a one-finger salute to the shooting community. In effect, you're saying to us, "We don't care about your whines and gripes. We'll make a grudging token gesture to shut you up. Now get back to your place, stop complaining, and leave us to get on with doing business with your betters."

As for ending your communication, "Sincerely": yeah, right! You didn't bother to reply for over a week after the controversy first erupted, and then did so in a minimalist manner, not repudiating or apologizing for your actions in any way. If that's 'sincerity', then I'm Mata Hari in drag! You even gave the brush-off to bloggers like myself, who were initially willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, and urged you to make a statement at once, if not sooner. Clearly, our efforts to make clear to you the scale of the problem were neither welcome nor appreciated.

It seems other bloggers - and commentators on their sites - agree with me. The Atomic Nerds, David Codrea, Lawdog, the Oregon Firearms Federation, Tamara, and many others have made similar points, as have posters on numerous firearms forums. As Stingray of the Atomic Nerds so aptly put it: "HS Precision: Women and children first."

I'll be writing to Remington, CZ, and any other manufacturer offering rifles with HS Precision components, and informing them that as long as they do so, I'll not be buying their products - any of them, even those that don't contain HS Precision components. That really hurts, because I like CZ rifles in particular, and own a few: but principle is more important. There are other manufacturers (such as McMillan) who produce equally good stocks. I hope and trust that other firearms manufacturers will start using their products instead of HS Precision's. As for actually buying a rifle from HS Precision: I doubt whether I'll have that sort of disposable income for the foreseeable future. However, if I should ever find myself in that fortunate position, rest assured I'll be buying my high-end rifle somewhere else!

I invite readers who are shooters, and who have a conscience, to do likewise.



KD5NRH said...

You can save yourself one of those stamps; Remington is planning to tell HS where they can stick it:

Of course, a letter of encouragement couldn't hurt, especially if it's written on the comment card from a brand-new Remington firearm.

Anonymous said...

KD, that is EXACTLY where my comment went...bought a new R-870 super Mag over the weekend...that was the sort of thing I included in the comments.