Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Doofus Of The Day #410

Today's Doofus is from an unnamed city in China. The Telegraph reports:

A man had to be rescued by firefighters after getting his hand stuck down the toilet while trying to retrieve a bottle of shampoo. Wang Xuekui explains: "I wanted to wash my hair, but accidentally dropped the shampoo bottle into the toilet hole." He put his hand down the hole in an effort to fish the bottle out. "I touched the bottle but when I was going to pull it out my arm was suddenly sucked in." Wang shouted to wake his wife and the couple spent half an hour trying to free him before admitting defeat and calling for help. Firefighters first tried to free Wang's arm by covering it in soapy water and then cooking oil, but it was stuck fast. Eventually they had to resort to more desperate measures, entering the flat below and sawing open the pipe Wang's hand was stuck in and then enlarging the hole in his bathroom floor. Eventually, five hours after he first got stuck, Wang was freed.

I suppose I should explain that China mostly builds with so-called 'squat toilets', a porcelain container set flush (you should pardon the expression) with the floor, as shown below.

Squat toilet in Shanghai, China (image courtesy of Wikipedia)

That explains how the shampoo bottle could disappear down the toilet - there was no U-bend to catch it.

I daresay Mr. Wang will take a while to live that one down!



Old NFO said...

Oof... think he's going to need to wash a few other things now...

Anonymous said...

With those toilets,what do you do if you have bad knees? SOL?

FrankC said...

The stains on those pipes don't look to be newly acquired, and is that a wash line beneath them? Nasty!

Apt w/v reakapaw.