Today's winner comes from Derby in England. Metro UK reports:
A Derby University student had to be cut free by firefighters after a freak accident left her trapped inside a clothes horse.
Danielle Morgan, 18, said she had been 'mucking about' in her flatmate Lisa Smith's bedroom when she fell off the bed and knocked over the drier, which fell on top of her.
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The fire brigade eventually used bolt cutters to release Danielle - who, despite suffering bruising to her neck and shoulders she said she had now seen the funny side of the accident.
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'When we called the fire service I think they were quite amused,' Danielle added. 'They said they'd seen a lot of things before but never this.'
There's more at the link. Here's a video clip of the poor girl.
With 'friends' like the one who filmed that (and put it on YouTube), who needs enemies? I wonder whether she'll ever be able to live it down?

Don't understand why she needed to be "...cut free by firefighters..." Did no one there have a hacksaw, or a screwdriver, or a wrench? Seriously?
The Brits do things differently, Shrimp.
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