Monday, December 12, 2011

Doofus Of The Day #554

I thought of titling this post 'With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?', but I've used that headline fully four times already - so let's just include these twerps in our Doofus files.

(WARNING - language alert - there are a few F-bombs and other unfortunate words here and there.)



Anonymous said...

Kids think they're smart. But they're stoooopid!

Wait for a few hours son. You won't be laughing when the 3rd degree pain sets in.

You'll be moaning and pleading for someone to take you to the Emergency Room.

It's people like this that make the cost of Health care so high.

Old NFO said...

Stupid is as stupid does...

Anonymous said...

"Such a bad idea..." Ya think?!? Morons.

Dave O. said...

Darwin is screaming in rage right now.

Anonymous said...

Well, one can hope that there is at least an Aloe Vera plant and some ice close by.......
Most likely not.