I'm sure readers have learned by now of the shooting near the Empire State Building in New York City this morning, in which two people were killed - one being the perpetrator of the crime - and at least nine others injured. It now appears that all those injured were wounded by police gunfire, or by fragments knocked off buildings and other objects by police bullets.
This is hardly the first time the abysmal marksmanship training and standards of the New York City Police Department have been exposed. Two of the most (in)famous cases were those of Amadou Diallo (41 shots fired) and Sean Bell (50 shots fired). In this latest incident, it's reported that 16 rounds were fired by police, most missing their target (as was the case in the earlier incidents I mentioned).
When is the NYPD going to put more emphasis on initial and refresher weapons training for its officers? Right now, it seems like bystanders in New York City are in greater danger from police gunfire than perpetrators!
I won't tolerate comments comparing all police to the Gestapo, or jackbooted thugs, or whatever. Sure, there are bad apples in the police barrel, but there are plenty of good ones, too. If you want to condemn all of them, kindly go start your own blog to do so.
Peter, I posted a similar thing, of interest, it's the COST of maintaining proficency that is stopping most departments. Many no longer provide ANY practice ammunition at all, and only 'pay' for 50 rounds once a year for requal. And they no longer allow officers to go to the range on duty. If they want to go, they must buy their own ammo, go on their own time, and chip in to pay the OT for the range master...
Our local Law Enforcement range is open to the public 4.5 days a week, and serves a PD, two counties, and state law officers. It does pretty well from what I've heard, because the fees from the general public ($10 per day plus $1/four targets if you do not BYO) cover some of the other expenses. I heard a rumor that some of the county rabies control money also goes to the range, but that is strictly rumor.
Don't they have those "New York triggers" on their service arms? That can't help.
If the NYPD officers had ducked and covered without taking action and the perp had shot 5 or 6 bystanders dead I guess the media would have "praised the police" for not over-reacting.
Yea, right.....Attention: Police, the MSM are not your friends.......EVER!
In Milwaukee, the police are trained to "spray and pray", firing repeatedly until the target goes down (whether alive or dead.)
So there's no need for "training." They did exactly what at least ONE large P.D. trains its people to do.
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