And it's screamingly funny!
I've stolen this unashamedly from Phlegm at Fatale Abstraction. She posted it a couple of days ago, and I've found myself humming snatches from it ever since. It's so horrendously bad it's captivating!
Phlegm, this is All. Your. Fault!!!

Oh, not YOU too, Peter!
Please say you'll forgive me?
I was just walking my dog and singing "Supersonik! Elektronik!" over and over. It's a sickness. I'll never be free!
What have I done?
Obviously you haven't seen "what-what, in the butt" by Samwell yet...
I blame you all. I'm sending my therapy bill to Bayou...he can get you three to split the cost...
YE GODS...there is a law against this kind of stuff...why, why did I search for the other one too..
BIG bill for therapy...yeesh
PLEASE, andre, Peter is a dear friend, and I'm trying to keep him innocent. He can still have a happy life. I, having seen What What, am beyond hope.
Off blast!
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