Yesterday I posted a video clip of the Finnish group Apocalyptica playing a Metallica song, "Nothing Else Matters", on their cellos.
In a comment to that post, reader and fellow blogger Auntie J. asked, "Did you see these guys?" She provided a link to this recording of Stjepan Hauser and Luka Šulić playing an instrumental cello version of the song "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson.
I'm not a fan of Michael Jackson's music at all; but this is a very original take on his work, and it's played very well. Thanks for the link, Auntie J.
Of course, given the expressions of tension on the faces of Messrs. Hauser and Šulić, one could argue that they're obviously highly strung performers . . .

music is great, the video is scary.
I agree with Bruce :-)
I'm not a Jackson fan, either (although, from a strictly musical standpoint, he did some brilliant work), but I loved their take on the song. I didn't even realize it was an MJ song until my husband asked why I was listening to him. I have to admit, I was impressed with the quality of the videography; not all YouTube videos look that good. My dad got me hooked on cellos years ago (what they can add to music is phenomenal; by themselves, in the hands of masters, even cooler), and he loved the Smooth Criminal link. I'll have to forward the other one to him. :)
Oh, if any of you were wondering, those cellos are made mostly of carbon fiber and a little ebony, and are $700+ works of art.
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