Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to make tax time more bearable?

Fellow blogger Dustbury (who's been at it longer than almost any other blogger, except perhaps Dr. Jerry Pournelle) suggests a way to make it easier to fill out our tax returns.

... every year I start the form, I ask "Why the hell doesn’t Congress do anything about this?" The answer, unsurprisingly, is always, "Why should they care? It’s not like they have to do this themselves." Which suggests a piece of Fantasy Legislation: all 535 of them have to complete their returns, on camera, live on C-Span, on April 14th. If that doesn’t give them some motivation to clean up this misbegotten system, nothing will.

There's more at the link.

I like it! I wonder if we could get the Tea Party to back this, and push it through the Representatives and Senators who support their "Taxed Enough Already" position? I'll volunteer to write to mine, for sure!



Anonymous said...

I'd pay to watch that! They can use TurboTax or a TI calculator but no other back-up, no fancy back-door to the IRS help web-site, and ten randomly selected congresscritters will get audited in full. Oh, and they can have use of a photocopier for their receipts.

Sendarius said...

The only problem with pushing the Congresscritters to simplify the tax code is that the version that they come up with will read:

1. How much did you earn this year?

2. Send it.