Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not even horse meat!

I'm sure readers are aware of the scandal that erupted, first in Britain, then across other European nations, when it was found that products allegedly containing beef also contained horse meat (and sometimes other types of meat as well).  The issue's now spread beyond Europe, with South Africa having found similar contamination of beef products.

I'm amused by a variation on the theme from Iceland.  CBC reports:

When officials in Iceland began hearing about horsemeat being secreted into beef products around Europe, they decided to run tests to ensure the same thing wasn't happening in Iceland.

Icelandic meat inspector Kjartan Hreinsson says his team didn't find any horsemeat, but one brand of locally produced beef pie left it stumped: it contained no meat at all.

"That was the peculiar thing," Hreinsson said in a telephone interview Friday. "It was labelled as beef pie, so it should be beef pie."

There's more at the link.

Sounds like the ultimate case of "Where's the beef?", if you ask me!



Wayne Conrad said...

Soylent green is horses. Horses!

Toejam said...

Almost all of the "horse meat" tainted beef has been traced back to IRISH processors.

The Irish are especially adept at a "wink & a nod" acceptance to illicit activity.

Government regulating infrastructure is very scarce and what few inspections are carried out reveal nothing untoward.

Corruption at all levels is rampant!

Evyl Robot Michael said...

It's beef pie.

for vegetarians!