Via Dustbury and Ayyyy!, we learn of a company called Mod Cloth and their special dress for bloggers. They describe it as follows:
Uh-huh. If you say so . . .
Personally, I'd never considered apparel as an essential accessory to my blogging activities. I can see now that I've been remiss (not to mention terribly lacking in fashion consciousness) in ignoring so fundamental a feature of the online world. However, it pains me to admit that the dress above does absolutely nothing to inspire me. It's just not . . . not me, if you get my drift.
That being the case, I invite you, dear readers, to suggest ideas that I might like to consider for my blogging wardrobe. Use your imaginations, let rip with your flights of fancy, and in Comments let me know what you think would improve my blogging, apparel-wise. If you can include links to a garment, or pictures, or links to pictures, so much the better. If you come up with some good ideas, I'll feature them in a blog post in a couple of days.
Over to you!
Black penny loafer, grey flannel slacks, smoking jacket with ascot, and a Sherlock Holmes pipe. Not only dashing but very erudite.
In summer, Speedo and clogs should about do it; accessorize with a snarky T-shirt for those oh-so-important reader social engagements.
Winter uniform consists of grey sweats.
WV "bling"
Nope-npne o' that needed.
I think you should invest in at least one of these:
I can imagine you rapidly typing as the thoughts roll. You don't want to be distracted when the "creative juices" are flowing, or any other juices for that matter!!!
Get 2, so one is always donned, and the other is washed and ready for action!
Just think of the increased productivity, the comfort, the efficiency!!!
And be sure to post a pic with your new togs. I'd be interested to see them in action.
An oversized, comfy bathrobe. Maybe thick socks, if your feet get cold. :)
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