Thursday, April 5, 2012

Definitely a 'rear-end' accident!

This is perhaps the most definitively 'rear-end' accident I've ever heard about! TCPalm reports:

A deputy determined Kevin Brann, 41, had rear-ended another vehicle. Officials also determined Brann smelled strongly of alcohol.

Brann's speech was slurred and mumbled, his eyes bloodshot and glassy. A deputy gave Brann, who'd urinated in his pants, field sobriety exercises before arresting him on a DUI with property damage charge. Brann "soiled himself" en route to the slammer.

"The defendant had a sexual anus plug in his rectum, which he removed, or it fell out in the rear of my patrol car," an affidavit states.

. . .

At the jail, investigators measured Brann's blood alcohol content at 0.409 and 0.412 -- more than five times the legal limit of 0.08.

There's more at the link.

I doubt whether that deputy will ever forget finding that particular object on the rear seat of his patrol car. I wonder what future occupants of that seat will have to say about it if (when?) he informs them? It'll probably be an excellent way for other officers to ensure co-operation from their suspects. "Behave yourself, or I'll put you in the rear seat of that car - and you really don't want to sit there!"



Mikael said...

That's a lethal alcoholpoisoning dose for a non-alcoholic.

Peter said...

Age 41? Judging by his picture at the link I would have guessed 61.