Monday, April 2, 2012

Old NFO hits one out of the park

I'm sure many of my readers already visit Old NFO's blog 'Nobody Asked Me'. He's one of my daily stops on my blogosphere rounds. Today he's put up a very true, very real, very thought-provoking look at the reality of military service in today's society. Please click over to his place and read it. I think it's important.

I'm not a veteran of US military service, but I am a veteran of service in another country's armed forces. I've found that pretty much all military veterans - particularly all combat veterans - tend to understand each other pretty well, when push comes to shove. I therefore endorse and support what Old NFO has to say.

To all my US buddies who are veterans: thanks for holding the line. That goes particularly to all of you who, like Old NFO, share your experience with us in the blogosphere. I'm proud and honored to be in your company.


1 comment:

Jess said...

It is a good post and you honor our service folks by linking.