Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Diving-board show-off FAIL!

The best-laid plans, etc., etc. . .



Carteach said...

There are many, many videos like this on the the net. Predating them, story after story... extending back before history began. Most 'humor' hangs it's hat on human misery. OTHER peoples misery.

Since I have thought that thought, laughter does not come so easily when I watch things like this.

Shrimp said...

Yeah, that's true Carteach0, but you can always find humor in the fact that you are not them.

Old NFO said...

Oopsie... :-)

Noons said...

I take solace in that misery is indeed no laughing matter, while self-inflicted one due to sheer stupidity is hopefully the stuff Darwinisn is all about!