Thursday, October 6, 2011

Another use for a bicycle

Yesterday I published an article about bicycle transport in Japan, in which I touched on their use in the Third World to carry anything and everything imaginable. Today I found this video clip showing another Third World adaptation of the bicycle to do something useful - particularly in the absence of electricity.

I'm told the commentary says something to the effect that the lady, named 'Godina', washes the clothes while knitting. Seems like a good way to get fit at the same time - provided she doesn't get her wool caught in the chain!



trailbee said...

Don't you remember about ten years ago, maybe more, there was this 'fad' of turning off the tv and only using bicycle power to watch something. Maybe you weren't here then. Somebody will remember.

Anonymous said...

Trailbee, I remember it and remember shaking my head at the idea. The other thought was to have bicycle-powered video games for overweight kids. IIRC the big problem was the effort required because of the mechanical inefficiency of the bike vs the power needs of the TV.


BobG said...

Gives me an idea for "green" power. How about we set up a bunch of bicycles in prisons, and start letting the prisoners earn their keep by running generators? We could start sentencing them to hard labor like we used to, instead of letting them lift weights, get tattoos, and watch TV.

trailbee said...

LittleRed1: how is that different from the washing machine? The video game one was/still is brilliant. : )
BobG: Oh, yes, and NO COMPUTERS! Could there be some way to earn telephone privileges, say paying a couple of amps forward? Oh, this opens up a whole new concept of rehabilitation!