Friday, July 2, 2010

Trying something new. Feedback, please!

Hello, readers. I've made a minor change to my blog template, so that anytime someone clicks on a link here, it'll open in a new tab (if your browser supports tabbed browsing) or a new window (if it doesn't). The idea is to make it a bit easier for readers, in that they can simply close the tab or window and be right back at the blog, instead of having to click the 'Back' arrow and wait for the blog page to reload (which can be slow, depending on the volume of Internet traffic).

Please let me know how you find this feature. If enough of you don't like it, I'll put things back the way they were. On the other hand, if you find it useful, I'll leave it in place.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.



Keads said...

I personally like it!

Miz Minka said...

I'm a "multiple tabs open at all times" person. It's become automatic for me to right-click a link and open a new tab. So I'm all for being able to do it with one-click instead! :)

PresterSean said...

Ditto Miz Minka!

Groundhog said...

It works well from within Google reader. Sometimes when you click on a link within the reader preview it takes you to the link within the reader. Yours now opens in a new tab. I like that a LOT better.

Jenny said...

What Miz Minka said.. since I always do "open in new tab" anyhow, the code change is irrelevant.

Just don't put any right-click disabling javascript on there. *grrrr* :)

Anonymous said...

I like it elsewherer and will
appreciate it here as well. Saves
reloading a long page.
Anon, Don

STxRynn said...

Excellent idea!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the above. Good move. (And you have a great site. It's on my "read daily" list.)

Nashville Beat said...

Excellent feature. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Good idea.

Anonymous said...

Most definetly like, that was one of the few things that I did not like about your blog. (The other being your attractions to LOLcats, different folks different strokes) Thank you for improving an allready excellent blog.
Again thank you for all your hard work.
Best wishes

Unknown said...

Thank you! I do that on the websites I'm responsible for.