I've been amazed by the whole Charlie Sheen cluster****. Browsing through some blogs this morning, I found the poster below via Hillbuzz, on the Facebook page of the Silver Cloud Bar & Grill in Chicago, advertising some sort of function there last Thursday. I couldn't resist a special Saturday morning 'Doofus Of The Day' post, to put it up here.
If anyone ever earned a 'Doofus Of The Day' award, I guess he did! He's been building up to this for years, and has refused to learn from his past mistakes. I'm sorry for those who love him, who are affected by his shenanigans. Right now, he's the personification of and poster child for self-destruction.
He's going to do a Belushi, sooner rather than later...
It all seems to stem from believing one's own hype...I'm just sayin'.
W/V - vistr - "He was a vistr from another planet..."
Charlie is a oxygen theif
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