I've known of lawnmower racing for some years, and even attended a couple of race meets in Louisiana. The US Lawn Mower Racing Association organizes meetings across the country.
Thanks to an e-mail from a Finnish reader who identifies herself only as 'Freya', I've discovered that country's refreshingly innovative approach to lawn mower racing in all seasons. Here's how they do it in Finland, first in winter:
then in spring:
Looks like all that melted snow and ice makes spring lawn mower racing rather more adventurous than our local variety!
While watching those clips, I followed a sidebar link to find another variation of lawn mower racing I'd never heard of - lawn mower drag racing! I can't embed the video here, as embedding is disabled, but you can follow the link to see the action.
I wonder how many of these machines actually cut grass, too?

Cut grass?
Those motorized toys are having trouble hauling ass(es).
Don't those dudes have something more constructive to do?
Like go to their local range and burn through a couple hundred rounds of 5.56mm ammo.
So, that's where our old mowers went. What a great idea.
How about a lawn-mower race to decide Afghanistan? Should the wrong side win, we'll just use that 5.56mm ammo. :)
My husband says I'm way too bloodthirsty, but what the heck!
The snow racing looks more like fun to me ... but that's just the Alaskan talking. :)
The winter race looks like a cross between WRC, NASCAR, and the Shriner cars you see in parades!
Can it still be called "Lawn mower racing" if all the mowing and blady parts have been removed? Lawn TRACTOR racing, maybe?
I want rotating blades, dammit!
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