Sunday, May 1, 2011

Some extraordinary flying!

I'm a bit mind-boggled by these three video clips of a Russian Tupolev Tu-154 airliner. It took off last Friday, April 29th, from Chkalovsky Airport near Moscow, where it had apparently been held in long-term storage. This was its maiden flight after being prepared for re-entry into service.

In this first clip, the aircraft is shown taking off. Almost immediately, it begins to show serious deviations from its flight path, indicating major problems with its lateral and longitudinal controls. It enters an oscillating, 'porpoising' motion.

In this second clip, the aircraft has turned to head back to the base. It flies overhead, its oscillating motion clearly visible, then turns towards the runway.

In this third clip, the aircraft disappears behind the trees, and after several seconds reappears, safely on the runway.

I honestly don't know how the pilots managed to maintain sufficient control to set it down safely. That was a "high pucker factor" flight, all right! I daresay that flight crew will not be volunteering to take it up again once the maintenance people have tried to fix it!

(I note that the NATO reporting name for the Tu-154 is 'Careless'. Perhaps they intended to refer to the maintenance crews, instead of the aircraft?)



Max Drive said...

They say there are no atheists in a foxhole. I'd bet more money than I can afford that there weren't any on that flight either.

JC said...

Probably just needs fresh vacuum in the tubes in the control circuits.

trailbee said...

JC-a single item like that, or were you kidding? Or is fresh vacuum a major deal? Pardon my ignorance-I love planes, etc., but try not to fly.

Anonymous said...

The amount of yaw that thing was experiencing scared the crap outta this pilot. I am really amazed they were able to keep it in the air without stalling/spinning!!!

Roger.45 said...

Holy sh#tsky, Boris!

Anonymous said...

Trailbee: He was being facetious; I don't know if that aircraft has any vacuum tubes or not, but I wouldn't put it past them.

As for the actual issue, who knows? Bad yaw damper?


trailbee said...

Thank you! :) I'm on it. No wonder my husband cooks and I wash!!